Why Purpose Beats Pina Coladas Every Time
Adrian Brambila
My new book is out! Start Thinking Rich grab a copy wherever you buy books!
Retirement is marketed to us as this dreamy sepia toned picture of a lounge chair on a beach with a Pina colada and I’m here to crush that dream haha.
If that is what you think of retirement you are going to be in for a rude awakening.
As someone who has tried to live this lifestyle of retirement there are 2 things that are going to destroy your beach idleness.
1. The runs?—?it’s only a matter of time with the amount of drinks you are having
2. Boredom?—?sitting idle is not what got you to financial freedom and I will eventually creep in.
The most I’m able to sit on a beach and do nothing is approximately 11ish days. Any day after 11 days I start to feel bored.
You know what’s a crazy sad fact. When people ‘retire’ into nothingness after having working their whole life they die shortly after.
How sad is that! Here is the reason why?—?you lose purpose. Now if you know me you know that I believe your purpose should be much different and greater than working a 9–5 job for a corporation.
But many people avoid finding their purpose or something that fulfills them throughout their life so it eventually becomes their work and when they stop working they feel like they lose their identity.
Thats why it’s so important that starting TODAY you start doing something on a daily basis that you would want to continue doing in your ‘retirement’ years. The idea is you keep doing these things until they take up your whole day.
The goal is to live a life you don’t need to retire from! I don’t plan on retiring. I plan on always doing something that brings me purpose and fulfillment!
I talk about this specifically and how to attain it in my upcoming book Start Thinking Rich which comes out this month! Get it here today free (so you don’t have to pay thousands if you want to get it later): startthinkingrich.com/join-group
- Adrian
You can now register for the alumni only scholarship! We are introducing a new scholarship ONLY for alumni in the most crucial time of the year… November-December.
Why is this important? Because this is prime time for selling online. All businesses no matter industry can make the entire year’s income in a matter of these important months.
This is going to be limited participants and we are opening it up to all past alumni so if you want to join act now and act fast. This is going to be another fast paced learning environment but instead of going from $0 to your first dollar we are going to try to get you to $10K!
Black Friday Cyber Monday?Prep
Every year records break?—?it’s the time of the year we actually like to see ads.
If you utilize any marketplaces like Fiverr you’ll notice that the marketplace will run its own ads and even promote your gigs! If you have created Amazon reviews you may notice that your product you have reviewed gets put on a huge Black Friday or Cyber Monday sale which could mean a ton of traction!
One of the last BFCM one of my reviews I made on a vacuum got featured on the home page and that video alone brought over $1,000 that day!
But that is just the basics of how to take advantage of BFCM. You have to create your own offer. You need to have one. Even if you don’t have it all flushed out posting a pre-order on BFCM is always a great idea.
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