Beach of broken glass or something beautiful?
DIXON Thomas
我的名字是托马斯·迪克森(Thomas DIXON),我是内销,实地销售和业务发展的经验丰富的专业人士,帮助各种规模的公司和全球各地的公司发展业务并提高盈利能力。我的技能继续为寻求扩大其覆盖面和收入的组织提供结果。
Ussuri Bay (Russia), is a beachfront.?
It is very distinguishable from the usual notion that the word ‘beach’ conjures up in all our minds. Ussuri Beach is a glass beach.?
An exceptional anomaly and a spectacular example of how mother nature knows how to carve beauty even out of rubbish.?
Ussuri Bay’s glass beach reputation wasn’t always associated with a beauty spot, it was just broken glass pieces from a porcelain factory’s waste and unwanted glass from the Soviet times. According to reports, trucks full of vodka bottles, beer and wine bottles along with other glass waste were dumped into the bay.?
Over time, the forces of the sea and the water have smoothed the broken glass, making it appear like colourful glass pebbles on the shoreline.?