BCLP-058- Revit - Beginner Workflows for MEP

BCLP-058- Revit - Beginner Workflows for MEP

Start a New MEP Project

·?????? Revit provides tools that support typical MEP workflows and tasks.

Set Up the MEP Project

·?????? MEP projects are typically created using linked architectural models.

·?????? Plenums and chases should be included when analyzing heating and cooling loads for a project. Consequently, it’s often necessary to add levels to the architectural model so that can recognize the entire volume of an MEP project.

Start a new project.

·?????? Use a project template provided by CAD/BIM manager, or use a template that Revit provides. Templates define many discipline specific settings.

Link the model.

·?????? Models can be linked to specify the relative locations of individual buildings on a campus, or to coordinate efforts across disciplines (architectural, structural, and engineering).

Define levels for the model.

·?????? Add levels in the host project that correspond to the levels in the linked model. Create additional levels for plenums so that spaces can be placed to account for entire volume of the project.

Monitor changes in the linked model.

·?????? Use Copy/Monitor to recognize when changes occur in the linked model.

·?????? Spaces and zones maintain information that will use to design the systems that satisfy heating, cooling, lighting, and fire protection requirements for the project.

Place Spaces and Create Zones

·?????? Identify the spaces and zones based on the requirements of the systems in the model.

Specify room bounding for the linked model.

·?????? Room bounding uses surfaces from the linked model to enclose spaces placed in areas in the model.

Place spaces.

·?????? Place spaces throughout the model to account for the entire volume.

Define zones.

·?????? Spaces and zones maintain MEP information that can be used to define system requirements. Assign spaces to zones for the particular systems that are designing.

HVAC Systems

·?????? Generate a heating and cooling loads analysis to determine HVAC system requirements and design the systems.

Prepare for a Heating and Cooling Loads Analysis

·?????? Use Systems Analysis to define all the main components and a set of relationships that comprise a mechanical HVAC system, without having to physically model any part of it.

Set up the model for analysis.

·?????? Specify the location and create the energy analytical model.

Add analytical systems and define system-zones.

·?????? Use the System Browser to add zone equipment, air systems, and water loops.

Create, review, and revise the analytical model.

·?????? Reassign analytical spaces as needed.

Determine Heating and Cooling Requirements

·?????? Use Systems Analysis to create a report for design heating, cooling, and airflow.

Run a Systems Analysis

·?????? Use Systems Analysis to create a load calculation or annual simulation report for heating, cooling, and airflow.

Review Systems Analysis Results

·?????? After run a systems analysis, can review the results by reviewing the report or reviewing the results on the analytical model.

Select Parts for the HVAC Systems

·?????? Use the Heating and Cooling Loads report to guide in selecting the parts for the systems in the project.

Create a space schedule.

·?????? Create a space schedule showing the calculated heating and cooling loads for spaces. can use formulas to create conditional parameters to compare required and actual airflows for the spaces in the project. Use the space schedule to select equipment and air terminals for the spaces in the project.

Specify HVAC system settings.

·?????? The project template typically establishes default elevations and duct types. However, it may be necessary to specify duct types and default elevations for the ductwork for the various HVAC systems.

Specify ducts and fittings.

·?????? Specify ducts and fittings.

Select equipment for the systems.

·?????? Load the air handling equipment and air terminals for the project based on heating and cooling loads analysis.

·?????? As design the air system, refer to the space schedule to check the actual airflow against planned airflow for each space in the project.

Design the Duct Systems

·?????? Connect compatible air terminals and air handling equipment to provide the heating and cooling required for the project.

Add air terminals and air handling equipment.

·?????? Use the Heating and Cooling Loads report to determine the capacity for air terminals and equipment. Place air terminals and air handling equipment in the plan.

Create the duct systems.

·?????? Assign grills, air terminals and air handling equipment to supply, return, and exhaust systems.

Lay out ductwork.

·?????? Use Generate Layout tools to create and route ductwork connecting air terminals and air handlers.

Modify duct routing.

·?????? Change the routing and manually adjust ductwork to avoid obstructions.

Align ductwork.

·?????? If necessary, justify sections of ductwork.

Calculate duct sizes.

·?????? Revit sizing tools let automatically specify duct sizes that provide the correct flow throughout systems.

Create groups and copy them to other areas in the project. (optional)

·?????? can create groups of components to replicate similar systems in other spaces or on other levels.

Check the systems.

·?????? Check the connectivity throughout systems.

Inspect the systems.

·?????? Use the system inspector to verify flows.

Electrical Systems

·?????? Plan and design electrical systems to meet building requirements.

Determine Electrical System Requirements

·?????? Space and equipment schedules help plan the system.

Create a space/equipment schedule.

·?????? Schedules help select the components needed for piping systems.

Create lighting and power schedules.

·?????? Create schedules containing conditional parameters to help select the parts needed for power and lighting systems.

Prepare the Electrical Design

·?????? Create the distribution systems and define the components that want to have available for design.

Specify distribution systems.

·?????? Define distribution systems that specify voltages, and conductors for the systems in the project.

Specify wiring.

·?????? Define distribution systems that specify voltages, and conductors for the systems in the project.

Select the equipment, devices, and lighting fixtures for the systems.

·?????? Load the devices, fixtures, and equipment that will comprise electrical systems.

Design the Electrical Systems

·?????? Connect compatible devices and fixtures to create the electrical systems for the model.

Place devices and equipment in the project.

·?????? Place electrical equipment and devices in the project.

Place lighting fixtures and switches.

·?????? Place lighting fixtures and switches in the project.

Draw cable tray.

·?????? Add cable tray with or without fittings.

Create power and lighting.

·?????? Select compatible devices and create power circuits. Select compatible lighting fixtures and create lighting circuits.

Assign light fixtures to switches.

·?????? Create switch systems and assign lighting fixtures.

Create groups and copy them to other areas in the project.

·?????? can create groups of components to replicate similar systems in other spaces or on other levels.

Connect circuits to panels.

·?????? Connect power and lighting circuits to panels.

Lay out and add wiring.

·?????? can create wiring for the circuits in the project.

Reroute wiring.

·?????? Refine the wiring layout.

Review and adjust wire sizes.

·?????? Adjust the wire sizes for circuits.

Draw conduit.

·?????? Add conduit with or without fittings.

Tag wiring and components.

·?????? Add tags to identify panel locations for circuits that create. Tags can be customized to show specific equipment parameters.

Assign demand factor types.

·?????? can specify one or more demand factors for lighting, power, HVAC, or other systems in the project based on system load.

Assign load classifications.

·?????? can specify demand factors and assign them to corresponding load classifications that are assigned to electrical connectors.

Edit panel schedule templates.

·?????? Customizable panel schedule templates allow to create panel schedules that conform to company standards.

Create panel schedules.

·?????? Add panel schedules to sheets to provide customers with information about the circuits in the project.

Check the systems.

·?????? Use the Check Circuits tool to find components that are not assigned to a circuit.

Piping Systems

·?????? Define the components, routing, and system settings for a piping system.

Create a space/zone schedule.

·?????? Schedules help select the components needed for piping systems.

Determine Piping System Requirements

·?????? Identify the zones and spaces in project. Then create a schedule of components to help with the piping system design.

Select Components for Piping Systems

·?????? Use the component schedule to guide in selecting the parts for the systems in the project.

Specify routing preferences for pipe.

·?????? Specify the routing preferences to be used in each piping system.

Specify system settings.

·?????? The project template typically establishes default elevations and duct types. However, it may be necessary to specify pipe types and default elevations for the piping for the various piping systems.

Select equipment for the systems.

·?????? Load the fittings and equipment for the piping systems.

Design the Piping Systems

·?????? can design piping systems for a variety of applications, such as hydronic heating and oxygen distribution systems.

Add equipment.

·?????? Place mechanical equipment in spaces according to the piping component schedule.

Create groups and copy them to other areas in the project.

·?????? can create groups of components to replicate similar systems in other spaces or on other levels.

Create piping systems.

·?????? Assign equipment and create piping systems.

Set layout paths.

·?????? Use Layout Paths to create piping for each system.

Reroute piping.

·?????? Manually adjust the routing for piping to avoid obstructions.

Specify pipe sizes.

·?????? Revit sizing tools let automatically specify pipe sizes that provide the correct flow throughout systems.

Check the pipe system.

·?????? Check the connectivity throughout systems.

Inspect the systems.

·?????? Use the system inspector to verify flows.

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Prepared by : Shiju Sasidharan, Sujisha V and BIMLABS Global Research Institute.

References :?

·??????? Autodesk Revit Help Documentation

·??????? Google , Gemini , ChatGPT and Respective Websites

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