BC Women Lead - April 2016
Shawna McCrea, BBA, PFP
Wealth Expert | As a Financial Planner, I help people cut through the noise that fuels our fears to build a life-specific financial plan. My unique power lies in the heart-centred honesty I bring to my expertise.
I met Deb Leroux early in 2015. She is an amazing individual who has accomplished and experienced so much in her life. She is strong, passionate and driven, and I instantly liked her. Deb is the Founder of BC Women Lead & SME, RFP Response, Business Development and Government Relations Specialist. Deb has Owned her own business, was a City Councillor and worked with the Games Director during the 2012 Winter Games.
I was thrilled when she asked me to speak at her 3rd Annual BC Women Lead Conference.
Here is a snap shot of my Presentation:
I was so very excited to be a BCWL 3.0/2016 Speaker because I am passionate about financial well-being. I have seen too many people?uncomfortable with their financial situation and I love sharing my experience, skills and training to make a difference so people can feel relaxed and in control with their financial path.
I am passionate about making a difference with People and their $$$ - I worked at TD Canada Trust for 21 years – 15 years as a Branch Manager, 20 years mutual fund licensed, CSC & PFP. I am an alumni of both Okanagan College and UBCO where I got my BBA. As the Ambassador Chair at the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce I get to welcome and work with amazing local businesses.
I have two Businesses:
Values Based Financial Planning Practice “From Financial Pieces to a Financial Plan” BalanceFinancial.net
Balance Well Being Centre Inc. “Together we are building a Well-Being Community” BalanceWell-Being.com
I am a Passionate Connector. LAYC “Lift as You Climb”
Financial Challenges can arise in many ways:
* Not clearly understanding you Money Personality / Money Archetype and repeating the same behaviours.
* Money issues can become a major issue between couples, if you don’t have a clear understanding of each others financial situation and expectations.
* Can be confusing to coordinate Your Personal finances & Your Business finances.
* You don’t stay on top of your financial goals and review regularly.
What I have discovered about People and their $$$:
Through my experience in the Financial Industry I have had the opportunity to observe and talk with countless individuals about their $$$ and have found the following 5 important Financial Pieces:
1. Emotions (STORIES):
No matter what the persons experience has been with $$$ the first thing I encounter through observation and discussion is - EMOTIONS:
I value being able to give comfort to those emotions as I have such an extensive financial background and can help people not feel alone or isolated anymore.
2. $$$ Personality/Archetypes (HOW):
$$$ Personalities are linked to your emotions and how you feel about $$$. I have seen a large number of challenges arise due to $$$ Personalities and awareness of your Personality type is key – it help you understand your subconscious motivation and to figure out ways that support your values without sabotaging you financially. Once you have a better understanding of your $$$ Personality and know your boundaries you can put steps in place to be more Purposeful and Mindful with your $$$ & start avoiding those pitfalls.
3. Values (WHERE):
Your values impact how you manage your finances – they show the direction you want to take.
Values are the very first thing I discuss with my clients as it gives me a good indication of where they are and where they want to go.
How are you demonstrating your Values? Destructively or Constructively?
4. Goals (WHAT & WHY):
Goals are what you want to achieve – they are tangible.
I discuss individualized Financial goals with my clients.
Your individual goals help establish the road map for your financial future.
5. Plans & Working with a Financial Professional (WHEN):
A Financial Professional helps protect you from yourself, can be the knot in your rope, your Financial Best Friend and/or your Financial Partner. It is a very Important relationship – make sure you take the time to find your right match.
Wikipedia – “A financial planner or personal financial planner is a professional who prepares financial plans for people. These financial plans often cover cash flow management, retirement planning, investment planning, financial risk management, insurance planning, tax planning, estate planning and business succession planning (for business owners).”
Working with a Financial Professional has shown to increase savings by 100% and doubles your confidence that you are on track financially.
It was an amazing day with incredible amazing women.
I walked away inspired and made many new connections and additions to my tribe.
Thank you Deb, for this amazing opportunity. I look forward to continuing on the path of BC Women Lead!!!