BBS Newsletter #42 Real Love
Dr. Frumi Rachel Barr
Dean, Barr Business School – MIni MBA for Leaders and Entrepreneurs | Fractional Chief Strategy/Scaling Officer | Team Coach | Author | Learning + Experience = Wisdom.
Real Love: The Truth About Finding Unconditional Love and Fulfilling Relationships
by Dr. Greg Baer
Author’s big thought: Why do most of us search our entire lives for loving and happy relationships but rarely find them? What is the "secret something" that all relationships need in order to thrive? Dr. Greg Baer found the answers to these questions while working with thousands of individuals and couples. In?Real Love, he shares his enlightening and practical blueprint for creating successful relationships and reveals the secret to finding and keeping what he calls "Real Love."
Now, are you ready to learn more? If so, click to download the full comprehensive summary to enrich your learning. Our book summaries are meant to whet your appetite and introduce you to the author(s). If you are so inspired, buy the book!
Remember – Always be learning!
Dr. Frumi