BBA...... Now what?

BBA...... Now what?

"An undergraduate's guide to finding peace of mind"

Woo! Graduation is right around the corner! But, what happens next? As future college graduates, this moment of realization can be intimidating, exciting, and downright all you can think about! However, with a BBA there are endless opportunities to calm our nerves!

Questions, Questions, Questions!!

Should I pursue Marketing, Management, or an Administrative career? These are questions that every student asked themselves during the course of their college career. Let's take a deeper dive into some answers! According to a study conducted by Coursera, the top three roles with a BBA in 2023 include," Medical and Health Services Manager, Information Security Analyst, and Operations Research Analyst".

Graph depicting Salary and Projected Job Growth

Although these opportunities are highlighted, there are numerous jobs in the Marketing and General Management fields that are projected to grow through 2030 with a growth percentage of 27%.

What's the Catch?

As mentioned by Forrest Gump," Life is like a box of Chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." As job searching goes, you may not know if the right role will be available to you at the perfect moment. But what the owner of Bubba Gump shrimp failed to mention is that although you may not know what chocolate you are going to get, you can certainly pick which brand of chocolates to purchase! Knowing what you want to do and researching companies that have the same values, ethical beliefs, and a mission statement you can truly see yourself fulfilling make that search ever more precise! Using job searching platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and University held Career Fairs are excellent ways to refine your search and expand your network!

The "ME" in RESUME

Spending time crafting and refining a Professional resume is one of the most VITAL aspects when job searching! Building up your resume is a goal that every student, no matter the degree or concentration you may be pursuing! Highlighting relevant experiences and editing your cover letter to align yourself with the company's vision and mission statement is highly recommended to stand out against fellow applicant's. Creating a resume that is easy to follow and answers the Interviewer's questions prior to the actual interview suggests that you took time to research the employer and are serious about the application. Focus on aspects unique to YOU and why YOU are the best candidate for the job! Remember that anyone can have the same qualifications as you, but there is no other individual that is the same as you! BE CONFIDENT! No one knows what you are capable of better than yourself.

The Amusement Park of Success

Preparation for the job is critical, but preparing for the results of the job application are just as important. There will be a rollercoaster of emotions in the process of finding the right role for you! Rejection is an important aspect of job searching that you must be ready for. Don't get discouraged! If failure wasn't part of life, we wouldn't know what success is. Putting all your eggs in one basket may not be ideal when trying to find entry-level jobs post graduation! Instead get in contact with Head Hunter's or any mentors you may have obtained throughout your collegiate career and keep on trying! As stated in the article by JAIN University,"Your hard work would pay off in the end, so keep gearing yourself up for the upcoming placement drives in the best possible way." It's a guarantee that once you receive that first offer, your career is about to take off and what you've been studying for four years will finally get put to the test!

References & Resources

Coursera, Coursera. “10 In-Demand Jobs You Can Get with a Business Degree (2023).” Coursera, 3 Nov. 2023,

“Placement Tips for BBA Students: A Helpful Guide to Securing the Best Job!” Site Name, i.e. Jain University, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), 14 Dec. 2022,


