Bayezian Bulletin - September 2023

Hello and welcome to the first edition of the Bayezian Bulletin.

As you know, we’re passionate about utilising AI for the greater good. This newsletter aims to expand on our ultimate goal, shining a light on Bayezian in the media and any important stories you should be reading on a monthly basis.

To keep ahead of all Bayezian and AI-related news, be sure to subscribe to ensure you don’t miss the latest edition.

Bayezian in the news

Open Access Government: The AI healthcare revolution: 4 insights into the future of patient care

The transformative nature of AI is not to be underestimated. Having already made its mark in cybersecurity, retail and finance, to name a few, one field that stands on the precipice of significant digital innovation opportunities is healthcare.

The convergence of technology and healthcare represents a powerful fusion of two pivotal economic sectors, promising widespread effects on patient care and outcomes.

Our CEO, Ed Dixon , recently authored an article for Open Access Government , diving into this topic and sharing four expert insights into the future of patient care.

Compare The Cloud interview with Ed Dixon

The challenges of recruitment in data science are proving very timely.

It therefore felt like the perfect time for our CEO, Ed Dixon, to sit down with Compare the Cloud to discuss the most sought-after skills for graduates in the industry, as well as how to stand out and expand their learning beyond the traditional curriculum.?

The Next Web: Startup unveils AI breakthrough for male fertility diagnosis

“We see accurate diagnosis as a critical tool in helping address male fertility,” says our CEO, Ed Dixon.

We’re proud to share that a neural network spearheaded by our team has been proven to determine male fertility at a faster and more accurate rate than previously possible.

With the process of receiving a fertility diagnosis often slow and challenging – and 1 in 7 couples struggling to conceive – this marks a major breakthrough for male fertility.

Startups Magazine: Empowering the next gen of data experts

While rapid technology advancements in AI are consistently making headline news at the moment, it’s essential that we start nurturing the next generation of Data Scientists.

As companies increasingly shift to a data-first approach, how do we ensure graduates with the right skillset are employed? And, better yet, how do companies gain an edge by empowering their new employees?

The bottom line is that companies need to adapt. But how? Our CEO, Ed Dixon, recently revealed his thoughts on the subject for Startups Magazine , penning an article on how to empower the next generation of data experts.

Datacentre Solutions: From RoboCop to AI Cop: The importance of combining AI regulation with policing

There’s much discussion around the upcoming EU AI Act and how comprehensive the regulation it introduces will be. With the technological landscape shifting so rapidly, will it go far enough? And is it even able to?

While regulation is undoubtedly important, it’s only one part of the strategy. For it to be truly effective, it must be paired with sufficient policing. Our director Glyn Heath offered his thoughts on the ways this could take shape for Datacentre Solutions.

European Financial Review: Applying AI to Solve Business Problems and Accelerate the Discovery of New Ideas

We're always keen to promote our AI for good ethos here at Bayezian, particularly because leveraging data to find solutions to real world problems has never been more important.

With that in mind, our founder Ed Dixon recently spoke to The European Financial Review . It’s a wide-ranging interview focused on what motivates us, our predictions for the technology industry and the most exciting developments in AI and data science to come.

Startups Magazine: Harnessing the power of AI for good

AI for good is a movement which has gained much notoriety in recent times. It’s at the core of what we do, as well as many other sources of inspiration, which our founder Ed Dixon revealed to Sheryl Miles for Startups Magazine.

The piece dives into the history of Bayezian, our ‘plus one’ concept, finding meaning in our work and managing AI expectations.

For those who want to know our story, or perhaps need a reminder, it’s the perfect read.

Latest AI News

METRO: Parkinson’s disease could be spotted with AI eye scan years before symptoms

“I continue to be amazed by what we can discover through eye scans,” stated Siegfried Wagner, Moorfields Eye Hospital research fellow and the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology researcher, after recent advancements in AI-enabled early detection of Parkinson’s, on average seven years before other symptoms crop up.?

Despite the fact that predicting the development of Parkinson’s is currently unfeasible, researchers are optimistic about the potential of pre-screening technology. A study conducted by scientists at Moorfields Eye Hospital and the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology found thinner GCIPL and INL layers in the eyes of those with Parkinson’s. With clinical trials well under way, the possibility of slowing Parkinson’s looks promising.

France bets big on open-source AI

In a race to establish a plethora of developers, many countries have turned their attention towards the thriving artificial intelligence industry. French leaders in particular are hoping to exploit a loophole and master a niche for themselves in the open-source AI segment.

However, one significant problem France is facing resides with its EU ties. With strong regulation being unavoidable, French President Emmanuel Macron revealed new funding of 40 million euros to attract more investors to feed his commitment to open-source AI.

City Life Cape Town: AI for Good: Harnessing the Power of Ethical AI

The conversation around ethical AI has gained much traction in recent months, with those in and outside the sector debating how rapid tech advancements can be utilised fairly and safely.

In a recent article, CityLife explored the discussion in more detail and highlighted AI For Good, a global movement that seeks to ensure that AI is developed and deployed in a manner that is ethical.

We think the goal can be achieved but only if several factors are considered, such as transparency, inclusivity, security and, crucially, collaboration.

TechNative: Opening up progression paths in the tech and data centre industry

There’s no getting away from the fact that the tech sector is facing a shortage of talent. Clearly, a strategy is needed to source those with the necessary skills.

TechNative examines the various factors that businesses can implement, starting with talent management. It’s equally important to retain staff members after securing them, with a greater focus needed on developing those internally for management roles. A drive to inspire the next generation is also needed, as well as clear mapping for career progression for those in the industry.

Get To Know: Ben Wells, Data Scientist

Through our regular Q&A, familiarise yourself with the people that make up Bayezian, what drives them and what they do when they step outside the office.

Why did you join Bayezian?

I joined because from the job and company description I could see that I would be taken seriously and put straight into roles with responsibility and meaning. There are too many first job positions that do not treat graduates as if they've just finished 3+ years of learning!

What tech are you most excited about right now?

VR Gaming. I can't wait for the games to become better and more affordable. The level of immersion and escapism that will be reached in the coming years is very appealing.

What inspires you?

I'm inspired by science and advancing science. In particular, using data and mathematics to push forward our understanding, hopefully to make the world a more equal and happier place.

What do you do outside of work?

I love playing (field) hockey, it's a beautiful game. I also enjoy cycling and used to mountainbike a lot but there aren't many hills in London unfortunately. I like playing chess too, send me a challenge!


ICYMI, we’re hiring. Please head to our Jobs board for more information.

What are we reading?

Here’s a quick share of the books some of us are reading at the moment! A nice mixture of nerdiness and escapism, we think.

  • Ed - A Thousand Brains, Jeff Hawkins
  • Bel - Surfing Uncertainty, Andy Clark
  • James - The Signal and the Noise, Nate Silver. The Mabinogion
  • Ben G - Dune, Frank Herbert
  • Ben W - The God of Small Things, Arundhati Roy



