BAYESIAN OPTIMIZATION - A Hyperparameter Tuning Method
Hi All there!
I am Saurav Kumar pursuing a master's in Data Science at the University of Massachusetts and Ex Machine Learning Inter and Software Engineer.
Writing an article for the folks out there who all are struggling to find out the best approach for finding the best hypertuned parameter for your deep neural network.
Bayesian Optimization is a method for optimizing objective functions that are expensive and time-consuming to evaluate, such as those that take minutes or hours to compute. It is particularly useful when dealing with functions that have multiple parameters and you want to find the optimal set of parameter values within a specific range.
Apart from bayesian optimization there are two other common approaches for optimizing objective functions, particularly in the context of machine learning and hyperparameter tuning, which are Grid Search and Random Search.
But WHY bayesian optimization is effective because it strategically chooses the next set of parameters to evaluate based on previous results, concentrating on the most promising areas of the parameter space.
The process involves building a probabilistic model, typically a Gaussian Process, of the objective function. This model is then used to predict the function's behavior across the parameter space and identify the most promising areas to evaluate next. The goal is to balance exploration (trying out new parameter values) and exploitation (refining known good parameter values) to efficiently converge on the optimal solution.
Let's start performing the Bayesian optimization. I will be using the R-language to perform. The same can be done in Python also.
We will be using the rBayesianOptimization library. For reference, in Python, you can use the BayesianOptimization class, which is part of the bayesian-optimization package.
# Model architecture
model <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
layer_embedding(input_dim = 1500,
output_dim = 32,
input_length = 300) %>%
layer_conv_1d(filters = 64,
kernel_size = 2,
activation = "relu",
strides = 2) %>%
layer_max_pooling_1d(pool_size = 4) %>%
layer_lstm(units = 128, activation = "tanh") %>%
layer_dense(units = 50, activation = "softmax")
# Compile model
model %>% compile(optimizer = "adam",
loss = "categorical_crossentropy",
metrics = c("acc"))
# Fitting the model
model_one <- model %>% fit(trainx, trainy,
epochs = 30,
batch_size = 32,
validation_data = list(validx, validy))
cnn_lstm_cv <- function(lstm_units, conv_filters, kernel_size, strides_rate) {
# Define the model architecture
model <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
layer_embedding(input_dim = 1500,
output_dim = 32,
input_length = 400) %>%
layer_conv_1d(filters = as.integer(conv_filters),
kernel_size = as.integer(kernel_size),
activation = "relu",
strides = strides_rate) %>%
layer_max_pooling_1d(pool_size = 4) %>%
layer_lstm(units = as.integer(lstm_units), activation = "tanh") %>%
layer_dense(units = 50, activation = "softmax")
# Compile the model
model %>% compile(optimizer = "adam",
loss = "categorical_crossentropy",
metrics = c("acc"))
# Fit the model
history <- model %>% fit(
trainx, trainy,
epochs = 10,
batch_size = 32,
validation_data = list(validx, validy),
verbose = 0
# Evaluate the model on validation data
score <- model %>% evaluate(validx, validy, verbose = 0)
# Return the accuracy as the metric to maximize
return(list(Score = score[[2]], Pred = score[[2]]))
bounds <- list(
lstm_units = c(32L, 128L),
conv_filters = c(64L, 256L),
kernel_size = c(3L, 10L),
strides_rate = c(1L, 5L)
opt_result <- BayesianOptimization(
FUN = cnn_lstm_cv,
bounds = bounds,
init_points = 10, # Number of random starting points
n_iter = 30, # Number of iterations for optimization
acq = "ucb", # Acquisition function
kappa = 2.576,
verbose = TRUE
In my case, I got the below result.
Bayesian Optimization provides a powerful and efficient approach for hyperparameter tuning, particularly when dealing with complex models and expensive evaluations. By strategically selecting parameter values based on previous evaluations, Bayesian Optimization reduces the number of trials needed to find optimal settings, making it a valuable tool for enhancing model performance. In this article, we've demonstrated how to apply Bayesian Optimization to tune a Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) using the rBayesianOptimization library in R. The same principles can be applied in Python with the bayesian-optimization package. This method not only streamlines the optimization process but also helps achieve better results by focusing on the most promising regions of the parameter space. By leveraging Bayesian Optimization, you can efficiently enhance your models and improve their performance with fewer resources.
I hope this article has provided a clear understanding of how to leverage Bayesian Optimization for hyperparameter tuning in deep neural networks. If you have any suggestions, questions or need further details on implementing these techniques, please feel free to reach out. I'm here to help and discuss more on this topic!
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