Bayesian approach is a powerful technique for uncertainty.
Hiranmayee Panchangam
Information Technology Geek | UNT IS Grad '24 | KLU CS Grad '20 | Tech Enthusiast
Before 2025 snaps in, I have decided to not waste my holiday period instead read scientific articles and revise what academics has always taught me that I could actually employ in my daily life. Turns out, it always was a hit gesture. Let's dive deep in.
Well, after going through the article, Mike Walsh has really given a beautiful insight. Emotions drive a lot of decisions. Once we start applying statistics to our personal questions, we will already have answers instead of wondering if something will happen or not in our lives.
It could be as simple as - Can I afford this month's Rent, which is X$, and pay statement balance, which is 2X$, with the paycheck I get, which is Y$, after going to a concert or not? [ Conditions].
One more example: I can become indecisive about what to cook for dinner. Let's say I want to make Tomato Rassam, which is a famous South Indian cuisine. And it definitely needs at least a few tomatoes. Let's now turn this into statistics.
P(A) = Probability of me making Rassam =0.50 = Hypothesis or prior probability
P(B) = Probability of availability of tomatoes in the market = 0.5 = evidence
P(A/B) = Posterior Probability of making Rassam when Tomatoes are sufficient
P(B/A) = Likelihood of sufficient tomatoes so that Rassam can be made = 0.30
Posterior Probability can be calculated by using the Bayes Theorem:
P(A/B) = P(B/A).P(A) / P(B) =0.30*0.50/0.50 = 0.3
The Probability of me making Rassam, given the availability of tomatoes, is 30 %. Sources for learning more about Bayes theorem: Bayes Theorem was developed and implemented at a worldwide level after hooking up philosophy with the truths of mathematics.
Do not just say vaguely, but update your beliefs with fact-based evidence. A successful person believes in a probabilistic mindset, as the author says. Additionally, I have found one YouTube video that thoroughly explains Bayes’ theorem beautifully: Here- Key Takeaway: "Mathematizing is truth-seeking is my new favorite proverb, you all."
My Key takeaway from the article would be Spotify's Ninja Technique DIBB. Great ideas stem from informed decisions that come to us through data. They become insights when we manage to connect the dots and deduce some implications from the data.
However, even the data and insights are not meaningful if you lack belief and rate of confidence in it and the confidence level is always not binary. This means it can be any value from 0 to 1, not just 1 or 0; this is where probability steps in so that we do or do not lose the chance at the best in life.
By understanding the odds of an outcome thoroughly with all the conditions included, I already have an answer to a question I was worried about. So, hey, if you like the outcome, be happy; if you do not, then there is no point in worrying.
Thus, the stress-causing factors can be greatly reduced by thinking statistically.
Walsh, M. (2020, February). Develop a "Probabilistic" Approach to Managing Uncertainty. Harvard Business Review. February 2024, managing-uncertainty X,
L. (2022, February 19). How to systematically approach truth - Bayes' rule. YouTube.
I thank Dr. Jingjing Tong, My ADTA 5130, Data Analytics Professor for allotting me with very thoughtful Discussions.