Bauxite Indonesia by Prof Dr. Ir. Irwandy Arif – Book Outline
The hard cover book “Bauksit Indonesia” by Prof Dr. Ir. Irwandy Arif, M.Sc. is now available in the Gramedia shops for Rp 299,000 [about A$30]. This 300-page book is in the Indonesian language and appears as a great technical introduction to the Bauxite industry in Indonesia. The book contains numerous sketches, tables and images that greatly aid in the readability, and suitability for those studying geology, mining, metallurgy and those seeking to invest in, or understand the bauxite industry.
?The principal chapters are;
1.???? Mengenal Bauksit- Getting to Know Bauxite
2.???? Bauksit Indonesia - Indonesian Bauxite
3.???? Pertambangan Bauksit - Bauxite Mining
4.???? Pemanfaatan Bauksit - Bauxite Utilization
5.???? Residu Bauksit - Bauxite Residue
6.???? Hilirisasi Bauksit - Bauxite Down-streaming
7.???? Pengusahaan Baksit - Bauxite Business
8.???? Masa Depan baksit Indonesia - The Future of Indonesian Bauxite
Prof Irwandy Arif has published similar books on; Geotechnical Mining, Good Mining Practice, Nickel Indonesia, Coal Indonesia, Gold and Indonesia’s New Coal era.