Is it just us, or has summer completely FLOWN BY this year!? While we love summer, the company picnics, and all the included team-building activities, we are super excited for everything to come. Not only are we in the thick of the back-to-school season, but we’re quickly approaching some exciting events (Customer Service Week, anyone? How about Boss’s Day!?). And, let’s be honest, nothing is better than a cozy fall evening with a?branded mug?in hand –?did someone say shameless plug?
Here's the thing: As summer comes to a close, it’s important to keep your team engaged and retained…especially ahead of the Q4 hustle and bustle. That’s what this month’s newsletter is all about…the how, the what, and the why of keeping employees appreciated, happy, and engaged as the seasons change. Read on to learn more!
The 5 Languages of Appreciation: What They Are & How to Use Them in the Workplace
In today's fast-paced and competitive work environment, employee satisfaction and engagement are crucial for a thriving and productive workplace. One powerful way to foster positivity and create a culture of appreciation is by understanding and utilizing the 5 Languages of Appreciation.
Inspired by Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Paul White's book, "The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace," this blog will explore these languages and how they can significantly impact employee motivation and morale. READ MORE
About Tuesday night ?? We had the BEST time discussing all things gifting at our HR Evening of Feeback! The Grand Rapids Brewing Company was the perfect venue for us to connect with a handful of West Michigan HR leaders and get their insights and feedback into the products they love gifting to employees, coworkers, and clients. SEE MORE
Is Your Employee Recognition Really Authentic?
Via GALLUP:?Employees want -- and need -- to be recognized at work for what they do and who they are. Gallup and Workhuman have uncovered many ways in which?recognition boosts employees’ engagement, wellbeing, inclusion and belonging?at work -- all of which may help to explain why?organizations that make recognition a part of their culture also see cost-savings in retention.
But to have these effects, organizations should ensure that their employees can be confident that recognition really?means something:?recognition that is?authentic?is what really counts. READ MORE