Battling Burnout: Nurturing a Stretch Mindset for Managers
Robin Mottern
Integrated Growth and Leadership Strategist * Certified Executive Coach * Psychometrics Enthusiast
In today's fast-paced business landscape, burnout has become a prevalent issue, affecting managers across industries. With more than 50% of managers reporting feelings of burnout, it is crucial for organizations to take proactive measures to address this problem. One promising approach, as suggested by the Harvard Business Review (HBR), involves encouraging managers to embrace exciting new projects outside their comfort zones. This article delves into the concept of a "stretch mindset" and explores effective strategies to inspire managers to adopt it, fostering a healthier and more productive work environment.
a. Setting Clear Goals: Provide managers with well-defined goals that require them to push their boundaries. Clearly articulating the expected outcomes and offering support along the way can instill confidence and motivation.
b. Offering Learning Opportunities: Provide access to training programs, workshops, and resources that enable managers to develop new skills and knowledge. This investment in their growth reinforces the value of a stretch mindset and encourages them to take on new challenges.
c. Recognizing and Celebrating Efforts: Acknowledge and reward managers for their efforts in embracing new projects and demonstrating a stretch mindset. Celebrating small victories and highlighting their achievements not only boosts morale but also encourages others to follow suit.
d. Encouraging Collaboration: Foster a collaborative work environment where managers can seek support from their peers and share experiences. Collaboration enhances learning and helps individuals realize they are not alone in their journey toward embracing a stretch mindset.
e. Providing Mentorship: Pair managers with experienced mentors who can guide and inspire them throughout their professional growth. Mentorship relationships can provide valuable insights, support, and encouragement, fostering a strong stretch mindset.
In a world where burnout is increasingly common among managers, organizations must prioritize the development of a stretch mindset. By creating a safe and inclusive environment, setting clear goals, offering learning opportunities, recognizing achievements, encouraging collaboration, and providing mentorship, organizations can inspire their managers to step outside their comfort zones and embrace exciting new projects. Cultivating a stretch mindset not only helps combat burnout but also drives personal and professional growth, leading to a healthier, more engaged workforce and increased innovation within the organization.