The Battlefield of the Mind

Trying to write what, you as a reader are holding, is no easy task. Knowing that you have within you the knowledge and stories that you would like to impart but don’t know how to do it is a seemingly breath squeezing mission.

The need to write comes from many different facets of conscious contemplative thinking and some wearisome nights of searching within myself the honest equations that would satisfy my objective position that I so desperately want to share. Why desperate you may ask, well….that is part of the contemplative element. You see, without truly being able to bring what is inside of you out, how will you ever know what is within.

To explore the trenches of the minds battlefields will harden your fortitude but not supple your compassion toward any end that has any personal value. A strategy and ‘master plan’ must be taken on, as a guide if you like, to try and help you work the maze within your mind into a solvable multifaceted boggle of symbols and languages. To bring to surface the depths of any ocean, you must be willing to face the creatures therein that have, as yet, not even been known to exist!

I am not sure, dear reader, if you are indeed prepared for some of the creatures that are there beneath the surface of the waters, that some of you, no doubt, believe to discern and entrust the faculties of your mind as knowing well.

To behold any expedition to the depth of any ocean requires a certain kind of courage that is not often seen in general public but most definitely lurks therein.

There will be untold dangers during the course of your exploration and many possible ‘coup d’Etat’ moments wherein your desire to have the ship scuttled to avoid further voyaging will most definitely appear. Some of the creatures, that lay therein, are of such an impossible nature that to dare fathom that before you is a truth seems preposterous and utterly absurd. It has to be a lie!

But is it?

Behind every lie is a truth, the bigger the lie….the bigger the truth!

Perhaps an extract would enlighten this point to you, my reader:

“A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.”

~Harry Dresden

This notion needs serious scrutiny on the readers behalf if you are to obtain the vital viewpoint that would most absolutely change the course of your entire ‘trip’ on this planet! The discovery of something unknown or unfamiliar, contained within the depths, is not to qualify that it is indeed alien! It would rather denote a privation of searching for all that is therein!

Do you ask why anyone would want to know all the creatures above and below? Would you be better for it, if you did know? Would one life time suffice to discover all these of which we speak?

I don’t know!

I can say, though, that the rate at which we discover new ‘things’ seems also to be the same rate, observationally, that we develop as a society into the innovations that break archaic, and sometimes superstitious, laws into valuable exchanges of skills that develop humanity in the short end of some sort of a spiral. The point to where this spiral leads….is sometimes…quite imaginative! In fact I may even resign myself to believe that it may, indeed, be the point of the spiral that is the objective. This would be the imaginative state in which all ‘mankind’ stands in accord within its reason and being as it drives and dedicates itself to a single-mindedness whilst still of the unique individual conscious kind pushing all quantitive boundaries as a single force.

Is that Nirvana? Is that Heaven? Is that what we want?

I don’t know?

What has, perhaps, congested our path towards prying the lid open to the tin can that holds these secrets, is the formation of tools. We are truly a brilliant bunch, us humans! We make discoveries all the time, but the ones that genuinely make our lives of achievement a little easier, are kept from us or ‘put on the shelf’ at a price which is too expensive to reason value into.

 I sincerely wish to bring some of these misrepresentations, inaccuracies, falsehoods, deceits, defamations, smears, slanders, denigrations, inventions, tall tales, untruths, propagandas and of course fibs, onto your landscape for the purpose of serving you with my time spent in search of it. Knowing that a tough shell demands to be opened, before the scrumptious ripe walnut be prized by your taste buds, necessitates that you initially recognise that the shell indeed holds a prize.

I concur with Mr Einstein, in that, “absolute truth is the sum total of all relevant perspectives”. I most assuredly do not hold all relevant perspectives.

I prefer to not be too presumptuous, let us talk and find out!

Daniel Jonathan Bungay


