There is a Battle Within Us
"For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do." - Galatians 5:17 ESV
This tension within is the reality of every believer. There is a pull between our human desires and what the Holy Spirit wants for us. It's like two opposing forces battling for control of our thoughts and actions.
The desires of the flesh are focused on our immediate gratification and mostly selfish pleasures, urging you to indulge in selfish actions. On the other side, the Holy Spirit gently convicts us towards righteousness, holiness, and everything good in obedience to God's will.
We want to encourage you by reminding you that the fact that you are conscious of this battle is a good sign of God’s work in you. This battle shows in the struggle to resist temptation, the fight against damaging habits, or the challenge of prioritizing spiritual growth over the worldly distractions. The apostle Paul points out in Galatians 5:17, that this opposition between the Spirit and the flesh is there "to keep you from doing the things you want to do."
God has not left you to fight on your own. His Holy Spirit empowers you, guides you, and gives you strength to finish the race strong.