Battle-Tested MT
Doron Maman
PhD Student | Speaker | Host of 'Brain Tumor Battle' Podcast—Insights on Mental Toughness
One of the major elements I discuss in my lectures is how a major flaw found in the education system is that people are taught how to solve the problems of the future based on how we solved the problems of the past, when in fact - there is no relation between the two! Especially in times like these, it is crucial to appreciate this point as we are in desperate need of more accurate tools and skills. I've said it a million times:
Resilience is not enough!
In full transparency it is for these reasons that I feel obligated to help people build MT through discovering what their driving values are. My belief and line of research is sincere. I believe that being able to focus on one's driving values during times of stress is what determines how we will triumphantly cope with the obstacles before us.
Just like countless others during this war, I have been called for reserve duties by different units to help share this knowledge in order to better prepare their soldiers/officers. And as humbling as the opportunity has been, in all honesty, it's been absolutely frightening. To bring this world of theoretical knowledge to the most chaotic reality our country has ever known bares a heavy weight of responsibility. One that makes me feel that I can either directly contribute to how their duty is fulfilled or the opposite. And as a famous uncle of a friendly neighborhood spider once said, "with great power comes great responsibility."
But the real truth is, that despite this common fear we all share this responsibility and we must let it interact our with personal and national convictions on a daily basis. We must accept that in these undesirable times our driving value is gifted the unwanted opportunity to become both battle-tested and completely validated.
A major point of emphasis in my course and my content is that when we recall our moments of pride and success, we tend to neglect that just prior to it came an obstacle that appeared insurmountable. The type of challenge that makes us want to say, "Forget this. I'm out."
But what we are seeing (and will continue to see) in these times is that something better awaits on the other side. And yes, due to the darkness accompanied by tragedy I get why it is so hard to see that sense of hope - however, we must remember that we are acting to make sure there will be better times, a safer place and a home to live in.
So in this article I just wanted to remind you, MT is about maintaining that belief that you know that you will succeed. You don't know how long it will take. You don't know who will be hurt. You don't know what price you will have to pay. But you genuinely know that you will make it.
And we will.