The Battle for the Soul of VMI
For years now, the Virginia Military Institute, long cherished and enjoying incredibly active alumni support, has often come under unwarranted and politically motivated attack.?Initially led by a former disgraced Governor of Virginia, the VMI ‘leadership’ (the VMI Administration, the Board of Visitors, and the Alumni Agencies), reasonably expected to lead the defense of VMI and its storied institutions, have instead led the charge towards its denigration and the resulting division within our ranks.?A growing number of alumni, shocked by what they see happening, are fighting back, working diligently to save VMI from its current ‘leadership.’ ?After years of fighting behind the scenes, this battle for VMI has now broken into the open – pitting alumni against alumni in open verbal and, increasingly, legal combat.?
On 24 March 2023, the VMI Alumni Agencies sent out an email to their alumni email list praising VMI.?All well and good . . . as far as it goes.?About half the email, however, complained about alumni engaged in “public in-fighting and innuendo and the tearing down of the Institute and the VMI Alumni Agencies hurts us all.”
The email goes on, saying “We must reclaim the art of civil discourse, mutual support, patience, and respect. The current rhetoric brings into question the strength of the alumni family in the public eye. Together, we can stop this from happening.”?And continues “While we may have differences of opinion, we must resolve those issues internally. The Commonwealth and the country are watching us. When our fights spill out into print and onto screens, it does not help us grow. It only weakens VMI, the diplomas we all hold, and the bonds we all share. The internal conversations must continue. The constant public tearing down of the Institute and its supporters should not. It is time for us all to take a stand for VMI.”
What the Alumni Agencies email doesn’t say, however, is that those alumni who disagree with the VMI Administration, Board of Visitors AND the Alumni Agencies have tried for years to be heard “internally” – and have repeatedly been ignored, rebuffed, and even vilified.?It was only after the abject failure of the VMI Alumni Agencies to seriously engage us; it was only after they engaged – or at least abetted – the public vilification of these “disgruntled few” (labelled as such by the VMI Superintendent) by leftist media allied with VMI ‘leadership;’ it was only after repeated Alumni Association emails like this went out to all alumni expressing only the VMI Administration party line, while refusing any voice to those who disagreed with them, that we have gone public – as a last resort.?Indeed, this very response is being done publicly because our dissenting message, involving all alumni, has no distribution means equal to that of the Alumni Agencies.
And our message is getting out.?And, as the “disgruntled few” have grown in numbers, we’ve become too hard to ignore. The incestuous oligarchy that the Alumni Agencies have become finally perceives a threat.?They’ve tried threats of their own, they’ve sic’d their leftist media allies on us.?And now they beg us to be quiet, to stop embarrassing VMI, to be good little alumni – cheer on cue, and otherwise keep our mouths shut and our wallets open.
Unfortunately, that horse has left the barn, indeed, the farm!?We’ve learned too much.?We’ve seen too much.?We’ve watched in horror as the Alumni Agencies repeatedly failed to wield their considerable leverage to contain the excesses and missteps as a rogue Board of Visitors and VMI Administration tear at the heart and soul of VMI, meekly accept unfounded public criticism of VMI from political hacks, foist unproven and divisive social theories on the Corps of Cadets, and repeatedly attack and vilify those who dare criticize their actions and inactions.?
No, its gone too far to make nice.?We’ve tried that – repeatedly – without effect.?No more, especially not on their terms, which, despite their flowery words, have been taken directly from a partisan politician’s playbook – “of course, let’s talk,” they say.?“We’ve tried,” they say.?“But ‘they’ just won’t listen, ‘they’ just won’t accept that they’re wrong, that we’re right, that they just need to sit down, shut up, and, oh yes, send more money. “
We no longer listen to VMI ‘leadership’ pollyanna pronouncements about VMI.?We are inured to their threats and ridicule.?Most disconcerting to us, when we consider the current VMI ‘leadership’ contains a significant number of fellow alumni, is that we no longer trust them.
Now, if the Alumni Agencies really, really want to take this back to internal discourse, to keep it in house, then here’s what they must – must – do:
1.??????Repeal the 2019 requirement to be physically present at VMI to vote on Alumni Agencies matters.?This requirement, alone, serves to severely limit alumni involvement to those who live in, or are able to travel to VMI, often on short notice.?It effectively disenfranchises the vast majority of alumni, scattered worldwide and, especially older alumni, who are often unable to make such a trip.
2.??????Commit that only alumni will fill leadership positions in the Alumni Agencies – no 'honorary alumni' or non-alumni ‘experts’ allowed.?The VMI Experience is unique, and only truly understandable to those who have experienced it firsthand.?While 'honorary alumni' might at times be warranted, such honorary alumni should not be eligible for Alumni Agencies positions nor voting.
3.??????Commit that any alumni nominated by other alumni can compete for and be publicly voted on by all alumni in fair, open, and equal access elections for all Alumni Agency positions.?Like any oligarchy, the Alumni Agencies have increasingly insulated themselves from dissent.?Currently, all nominations for Alumni Agencies positions must be vetted through their nominating committee, which tightly controls which nominations are placed on the ballot – primarily only those from the previously proven loyal and anointed oligarchic priesthood, the occasional well vetted and often well-heeled ‘outsider,’ and very occasionally, the token unwashed.?Moreover, voting, already restricted to those physically present, can, like some petty dictatorship, only be for those on the ballot.?If these nominees fail election, the current office holder just stays in place until, through successive votes, a properly vetted nominee is eventually elected.?Above all else, the oligarchy must survive!
Many other changes are needed, but these three first steps are critical enablers.?Of course, the real challenge is that the oligarchy, guarded by a phalanx of lawyers, 'experts,' and political contacts, is well protected.?While there is limited internal Alumni Agencies dissent, while there are no doubt those who truly hold VMI near and dear to their heart, they are clearly too few.?Its no wonder, then, that those of us on the outside have failed to quietly breach the oligarchy’s walls thus far.?Its no wonder that, now, we’ve abandoned the fruitless attempts to “resolve those issues internally.”?Its no wonder that the great unwashed masses of disenfranchised alumni are girding themselves for battle and gathering in ever greater numbers – in the open.?Its no wonder that the oligarchs, viewing with horror this gathering outside their carefully crafted walls, cry foul.
Let them cry.?
To all those VMI alumni who, despite the best efforts of VMI ‘leadership’ to keep them in the dark, but who are now recognizing the rot within the Alumni Agencies, add your voices and energy to our ever-growing numbers to recapture the Alumni Agencies from the oligarchy, and work to preserve VMI and its legacy.?
To those of the Alumni Agencies who have brought the once tight VMI Family to this point of contention and anguish, let us be very clear - without change, not only will we continue to be “heard from today” and the days that follow, but, as our numbers and voices grow, we will not rest, we will not falter.?We will take every peaceful action available to us to restore the Alumni Agencies to true alumni control.
And then the real work begins.
English Literature at Virginia Military Institute
1 年I have to agree with Gene,there needs to be changes in procedures and personnel.
RETIRED/Consultant -- Former Systems Engineer, Multiple Companies, Innovation Champion
1 年Well said Gene. Added my name to the circulating petition.
Planning & Preparedness Consultant; Critical Thinker; Problem Solver; Project Manager; Servant Leader & Team Builder
1 年Fully concur and strongly support!
Growing a Managing General Agency
1 年Gene keep up the good work
Principal Consultant at CES, LLC
1 年It's a shame that it has come to this, but we don't get to pick the time or the challenge. Keep up the good work Gene