The battle of investment styles: Are investors currently too optimistic? (Part 3/3)

The battle of investment styles: Are investors currently too optimistic? (Part 3/3)

In general, growth is rewarded on the markets with a price premium and thus higher valuation. Since 1974, investors have paid an average premium of 80% for growth over value stocks. At the peak of the Dot-com bubble in spring 2000, investors paid an exorbitant premium of 155% for a short time. Currently, this premium is even higher within the MSCI Europe – at a record level of almost 200%! 

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How can such a high premium be explained? Simply with investors’ fantasy on growth. The prices of growth stocks are currently very optimistic. The record level of valuation premium reflects the hope that growth stocks will grow faster than companies in the value segment. The emphasis here is on the word "hope", because despite their name, growth stocks hardly grow faster in the long term, as shown by empirical data since 1974. It may therefore be time for the value stocks to make an impressive comeback.

With such extreme valuation differences, it is often sufficient, when the long-term prospects to cloud over only slightly to initiate a significant correction or even a trend reversal. What could currently be a potential trigger for a trend reversal? The outcome of the elections in the USA, perhaps. Among other things, the Democratic Party stands for stronger regulation of the technology sector, which could have a negative impact on profit outlook.

A higher weighting of the value style would imply a higher equity exposure in Europe, too. This is because traditional value sectors such as industrial or financial stocks are much more represented in the European equity market than in that of the USA.


Link to part 1:

Link to part 2:


