The Battle!
There you are on The battlefields. There are no one left. They all are dead. You slayed them. You put them to sleep. All your competitions are gone. Only you left.
You can smell The blood, you can taste The salt on your lips.
You have fought so hard. Day in an day out. Who have you been fighting against really?
You can’t really remember right now. You feel dizzy, lost and confused.
You almost feel lonely.
Then you realise The fight you won was because you slayed your own dragons.
Not feeling good enough.
You stood tall when The others fell down. They could not take it anymore.
The battle.
The battle against their own demons.
You walk to The top of The mountain.
You are alone.
You look at The battlefield.
It’s not pretty.
But you know that what killed Them, your competitions, was not you.
They did it to themselves.
You raise your sword and scream.
“The power is in you all”.
You will be on that top and wait for someone to join you.
You know what it takes.
Blood, sweat and tears.
You feel it.
You made it.
And fuck you can be proud.
Who will join you next? Where are The ones that came before you?
Then you realize that you are not done. Not finished. You will never be.
There will be other mountains to climb.
You take a breath and look to The next top.
You smile.
You are ready again.
You know what it takes.
If they only could get this.
That they have The power inside.
You keep on walking.
Another day.
Another mountain to climb.
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