Battle Against Ad Fraud
Angela Chase
Accomplished professional with 20+ years of experience contributing to sales innovations and developing business strategies to meet and exceed company goals and objectives.
We at Genius Monkey are proud to join an elite group of companies that have earned the TAG Registered Seal from the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG). As one of the early adopters of this certification, Genius Monkey recognizes how crucial it is to add to the ecosphere of trustworthiness in the ad industry. We understand the importance of clients feeling confident that their advertising platforms are protected from malicious bots and other fraudulent activity, and that their advertising efforts are going to be clean all the way through the marketing process.
TAG is the leading global certification program, fighting malicious fraudulent activity and boosting the trust and confidence in the digital advertising industry. According to research conducted by "The 614 Group," the use of TAG Certified distribution channels for digital advertising decreased the amount of ad fraud by more than 83% from the wider industry average.
The amount of revenue created by digital advertising in the U.S. market reached $72.5 billion. The growth of this industry has been hindered by the persistent challenge of fraud, with brands losing an estimated $6.5 billion in 2017 due to invalid traffic from bot fraud.1
"We're proud of the efforts we've expended at Genius Monkey to protect the marketing investments of our clients, and the TAG certification is a credit to the company's commitment and effectiveness in combating this problem," said Seth Hassell, CIO at Genius Monkey. "With advertising fraud getting more complex, it's vital we remain aggressive with sophisticated prevention solutions that help detect and disrupt malicious activity, which can have a direct impact on our digital programmatic clients."
Genius Monkey has always strived to drive the maximum number of engagements and conversions from as many networks, devices and mediums as possible, all while assuring that the performance and measurement of our marketing efforts is not being adversely impacted by malicious fraud. While we don't charge for potential bot traffic, we do understand that the ad's effectiveness hinges on driving the highest-quality traffic.
Genius Monkey is tackling this important issue of fighting advertising fraud head-on, and we are proud to be one of the recipients of the TAG Certified Against Fraud Seal. We look forward to working with them to promote brand safety by eliminating fraudulent digital advertising.
Created by the industry's top trade organizations, TAG's mission is to eliminate fraudulent traffic, combat malware, prevent Internet piracy, and promote greater transparency in digital advertising. TAG advances those initiatives by bringing companies across the digital advertising supply chain together to set the highest standards. TAG is the first and only registered Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (ISAO) for the digital advertising industry.