Samson Mung'athia
A world-class Inspirational and Motivational Keynote Speaker, Author, Trainer and Consultant skilled in Business, Leadership, Governance, Social Change and Innovation.
Battered Woman Syndrome
Battered Woman (person) syndrome is a sub-category of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) caused by long term domestic abuse and torture.
Domestic Abuse Cycle
·?The abuser wins over a new partner and pushes for a relationship quickly using all excuses to get the relationship going as quickly as possible
·?The abuser then starts small physical and/or emotional abuse with acts like shouts, slaps, punching a wall or items near the other partner, or smashing utensils
·?The abuser feels guilty, shows remorse, and promises never to do it again. They normally become overly romantic showering their partners with love and gifts
·?Then there is a short honeymoon period where everything goes well luring the abused partner to believe that things are ok.
·?Then the abuse occurs again and more often, more intensely than the previously time and the cycle repeats itself again.
The 4 Stages of Battered Woman Syndrome
1.?Denial: The person is unable to accept that they are being abused or justify the abuse with excuses like; “it’s just once” or “I am the one who was wrong”
2.?Guilt: The person believes that they caused the abuse or deserved it
3.?Enlightenment: The person realizes they do not deserve the abuse and accepts that their partner has abusive tendencies
4.?Responsibility: The person accepts that only the abuser holds the responsibility for the abuse and begins to explore available options for them.
Signs of Battered Woman Syndrome
·?The person thinks it is their fault
·?Hide the abuse from friends and family
·?Live in constant fear of their life and that of their child(ren)
·?Believe the abuser is all-knowing
·?Always unaware of what side of the abuser (good or bad) they will experience the next moment
Tell-Tale Signs
·?Withdrawal from social activities and engagements
·?Always anxious and uncomfortable around their partner
·?Frequent bruises and injuries that they lie about
·?Extreme changes in personality
·?Limited access to money and other valuables
·?Wearing clothes to cover most of their bodies
·?Getting frequent and unnecessary calls from their partner
Why People Stay in Abusive Relationships
·?Low self-esteem
·?Lure of the honeymoon phases that comes after abuse
.?Fear of repercussions
·?Fear of what people will say
·?Hope that things will somehow change
·?Feelings of guilt and responsibility for the abuse
·?Financial constraints
·?Need to save the situation and the abuser
The Making of an Abuser
Many factors can lead to one becoming an abuser:
·?Need for control
·?Fear of being left by their partner
·?Sense of entitlement
·?Belief that their life should take priority
·?Revenge for past abuses and scars