Battered woman syndrome
Causes of battered woman syndrome or how a woman reaches this state?
A battered woman is a woman who is exposed to violence, regardless of the person who is abusing her, but in most cases the abuse is from the partner. This woman feels helpless and unable to find a solution that will get her out of her situation or even allow her to escape, so she is always haunted by a deadly feeling of weakness. And on top of all this, she is blamed and the cause of the problem and the abuse she is subjected to is attributed to her.
When can we say that a woman is suffering from battered woman syndrome?
In most cases, this woman tries to avoid meetings and social interaction based on her previous conviction that she is a guilty person and does not have the ability to interact with people.
This symptom may be observed in a girl who is social by nature before marriage, but after her marriage for a period of time, she is seen withdrawing socially in a gradual manner until she disappears, making excuses related to her and her husband's busyness, which are excuses that are not true in reality.
Without any awareness of the consequences of what she is doing, she finds herself continuing to withdraw from society, convinced of the idea that no one can save her, understand her, or assimilate her.
Also, in general, the reactions of the battered woman towards strangers or unexpected situations are always quick and exaggerated as if she is in a dangerous situation. This, if it indicates anything, is nothing but an indication of what she is experiencing.
The battered woman also gives up her rights. She may leave her job or studies without admitting and facing the real reason behind doing so, and she is often seen making excuses for her marriage and children and their need for her care.
Therefore, we can say that battered person syndrome or what is known as battered woman syndrome is a physical and psychological condition that has been classified in the ninth edition of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases as 995.81 "battered person syndrome".
Although its name indicates that it is only for the battered woman, it applies to both men and women. The name is associated with the circumstances of the origin of the term, no more.
By: Sana'a Sliman
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