Batching in Clojure is boring

Batching in Clojure is boring

Sometimes you need to process data. And sometimes it's a lot of data so you want to do the processing in batches.

In a "normal" programming language you might do a loop, collecting N records first and then passing them to the processing machinery, taking care of combining the results. You'll need to count and to reset that counter and so on.

In Clojure though... it's actually boring to do batching.

Demo time

Imagine you have a little AI and you want it to read some books to become smart just like its parents.

We have our books here:

  (def a-lot-of-books
    [{:title "Dune"          :read? false}
     {:title "Infinite Jest" :read? false}
     {:title "Naked Lunch"   :read? false}
     {:title "On the Road"   :read? false}
     {:title "Neuromancer"   :read? false}])        

Let's just pretend it's a lot of books, OK?

And you have the reading machinery. Very complex:

  (defn read-book
    (assoc book :read? true))

  (defn read-books
    (map read-book books))        

A function that goes through all the books and sets the read? flag to true.

Now you give AI the books to read like this:

(read-books a-lot-of-books)

;; Result:

({:title "Dune", :read? true}
 {:title "Infinite Jest", :read? true}
 {:title "Naked Lunch", :read? true}
 {:title "On the Road", :read? true}
 {:title "Neuromancer", :read? true})        

And it works. But maybe all the books at once is too much. Not enough minerals, sorry, memory.

What if the little AI can only handle two books at a time. Do we loop and count?

Of course not. This is Clojure. We just.... read the documentation of the standard library until we find something that fits.

So we need to break a collection into sub-collections. We need to... partition it.

(partition-all 2 a-lot-of-books)

;; Result:

(({:title "Dune", :read? false}
  {:title "Infinite Jest", :read? false})

 ({:title "Naked Lunch", :read? false}
  {:title "On the Road", :read? false})

 ({:title "Neuromancer", :read? false}))        

Cool. We have a 3 groups. And because we used partition-all the last group is incomplete. If we use partition we get 2 groups and the last element is lost cause it doesn't fit the requirement. But this is not that kind of post.

Because of the way we wrote our processing function, we can simply reuse it. Just need to make sure we're giving it a collection of books.

(->> a-lot-of-books
     (partition-all 2)
     (map read-books))

;; Result:

(({:title "Dune", :read? true}
  {:title "Infinite Jest", :read? true})
 ({:title "Naked Lunch", :read? true}
  {:title "On the Road", :read? true})
 ({:title "Neuromancer", :read? true}))        

Great! It's working. But the results are also returned in groups. The map function returns a collection so we get a collection of collections. But we just want a list, just like in the non-partition version.

You mean you want a flat list? flatten then!

(->> a-lot-of-books
     (partition-all 2)
     (map read-books)

;; Result:

({:title "Dune", :read? true}
 {:title "Infinite Jest", :read? true}
 {:title "Naked Lunch", :read? true}
 {:title "On the Road", :read? true}
 {:title "Neuromancer", :read? true})        


This post is brought to you by: me, typing stuff in NeoVim.

Howard Lewis Ship

Seasoned Clojure/Functional Developer

11 个月

clojure.core/flatten can do more than you want; you should use mapcat instead of map when your steps generate a collection and you want the concatenated collections. "cat" is short for "concatenate".


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