The SELF-EXISTENT Godhead is COMPOSED and FUNCTION as FATHER [Almighty God], Son [The Christ] and the SPIRIT of TRUTH [Holy Spirit]. Christ is the EMBODIMENT of TRUTH and thrives on OBEDIENCE to the FATHER, Almighty God. The Holy Spirit TESTIFIES the TRUTH, which is CHRIST JESUS, and CONTROLS all COMPLEXITIES of Life and Existence. In Heaven, three BEAR WITNESS - The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. On Earth - which is an EXTENSION of Heaven - three bear WITNESS - SPIRIT, WATER and BLOOD. Everything CREATED and FORMED CONSIST [HELD TOGETHER] in CHRIST; that is why there was nothing made that was not made through CHRIST! CHRIST - who is the WORD OF GOD - is EXALTED above ALL else. Everything came into being by the WORD of GOD. John 1:1-3. God will never SPEAK if the Holy Spirit does not cause STIRRING; that was why in the beginning, the SPIRIT of God moved upon the FACE of the DEEP. The Godhead is held together by ONENESS, UNITY and LOVE. Everything MADE - VISIBLE and INVISIBLE - have STRUCTURE, ORDER and PRINCIPLE - the DRIVERS and FACILITATORS of INSTITUTIONS, ESTABLISHMENTS, LEADERSHIP, GOVERNANCE, EDUCATION, PRISTHOOD, MARRIAGE, FAMILY LIFE, CHURH and MINISTRY, LAWS, STATUTES, ORDINANCES, JUDGMENTS, PUNISHMENTS, PROMISES, ASSURANCES, CHARGES, TESTIMONIES, WARNINGS and REBUKES, INSTRUCTIONS, Divine DIRECTION and GUIDANCE, SUCCESS, FRUITFULNESS, PROSPERITY, UNDERSTANDING, KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM.

The INTENT of GOD for INSTITUTION of MARRIAGE is RAISING Righteous SEEDS to BUILD Families, Kindreds, Tribes, Societies, Churches, Nations and Kingdoms of the Earth. Only RIGHTEOUS SEEDS can be used to ESTABLISH and EXPAND the Kingdom of God on Earth; that is why, when the RIGHTEOUS are in POWER the PEOPLE rejoice, but when the WICKED are ENTRENCHED in POWER, People GROAN and MOAN. No wonder there are killings, murders, corruption, cronyism, nepotism and favoritism in GOVERNANCE and LEADERSHIP all across the globe. Most LEADERS and AUTHORITIES rule without the FEAR of God - which is the FOUNDATION of ALL GOVERNANCE and LEADERSHIP. A LEADER who does not FEAR God is like an ANIMAL with no UNDERSTANDING - the MULE must be harnessed with BITS and BRIDDLE before it RECEIVES and FOLLOWS instruction. So when NATION WRECKERS and TYRANTS besiege GOVERNANCE and LEADERSHIP, the masses SUFFER!

BUSINESSES - Local and Multi-National - become UNSUSTAINABLE without STRUCTURE, ORDER and PRINCIPLE. God has put so much WEALTH and RICHES in the belly of the Earth, for the DEVELOPMENT, GROWTH and ADVANCEMENT of all Nations and Kingdoms. DIVINE KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING are needed to build, maintain and sustain STRUCTURE, ORDER and PRINCIPLE. Show me a BUSINESS that is FAILING and I will tell you the SYMPTOM - MALFUNCTION in STRUCTURE, ORDER or PRINCIPLE. These PERMEATS in SPHERES of Life and Existence. MARRIAGES are also CRUMBLING for same reason.

The CHURCH and MINISTRY were INSTITUTED and ESTABLISHED on the basis of STRUCTURE, ORDER and PRINCIPLE. God asked Moses to FOLLOW divinely ESTABLISHED PATTERNS in all things - Buildings, Doctrine, Teaching, Preaching, Ordinance, Leadership, Governance etc. CHRIST is the HEAD of the Universal Church - therefore all Churches - and is currently RESPRESENTED on Earth by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit REVEALS all TRUTH and is the FORCE behind EMPOWERMENT and ENABLEMENT of the Saints of God. The POWER of God is ABSENT in many Churches and GATHERINGS of the Saints today because many LIVE in the FLESH and do not UNDERSTAND things of the SPIRIT. LEADERSHIP and GOVERNANCE in Church and Ministry will not struggle if ALL follow LEADINGS of the Holy Spirit. When Church Leadership and Governance USURP functions of the Holy Spirit, there is MISDIRECTION, MISJUDGMENT, MISINTERPRETATION of SCRIPTURES, DOCTRINAL DIFFERENCES, HERESIES, infiltration of CULTURE, CUSTOM and TRADITION, entrenchment and espousal of RELIGION which is the BANE of Humanity. Church and Ministry is SPIRIT-LIFE not Religion. The SPIRIT of God keeps Church and Ministry ALIVE!

MARRIAGES are under STRESS and STRAIN because people with VESTIGE of the SPIRIT grow COLD after HOLY MATRIMONY and some even leave God out of MARRIAGE - but the Lord God is the BINDING CORD and WITNESS to every MARRIAGE brought before His ALTAR. Malachi 2:14-17. Adam never saw a WOMAN to love, cherish or admire before God presented EVE. But, because the SPIRIT of God was in Adam, the ARRIVAL of EVE was met with great EXCITEMENT, JOY and GLANESS - "This is the BONE of my BONES and FLESH of my FLESH!!!!!" Where is the EXCITEMENT, JOY and GLADNESS in MARRIAGES today? If the FOUNDATION is DESTROYED, where will the RIGHTEOUS be! God gave EVE to Adam on the basis of COMPANIONSHIP. That was why God was saddened at heart when Adam blamed Him for giving him Eve that resulted in his fall - "The WOMAN thou gave me ... made me to sin." The WISDOM of men cannot match the FOOLISHNESS of God.

We, as a people or Nation cannot SEPARATE from our Maker and SUCCEED! DIVINE KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM give STABILITY, GROWTH and SUSTENANCE of LEADERSHIP and COVERNANCE. UNDERSTANDING facilitates KNOWLEDGE acquisition. That is why ALL and sundry must SEEK the face of God for PARADISE on Earth. The Earth was PARADISE from the beginning of Creation, so why not now? All people, tribes, nations and kingdom must see through the LENS of the Most High God and of His Christ, in whom all things CONSIST. Shalom.



