Jean Le Bel Ngopnang, MBA
Managing Director - Senior Expert at Blue Ocean Group
The social reputation of a company, or the display of its identity, destroys more value than the industrial non-quality of its products.
The two most important things that don't show up on a company's balance sheet are its reputation and its people.
Henry FORD - Founder of General Motors.
Groups or even companies, in the corpus of their identification elements have principles that enable them to realize their objects. These elements are :
?? The VISION which comes from the initial group creation object and purpose
?? The MISSION which is the group's medium-term objective, and which customizes in a precise time and space, the expression of the vision or a stage in the realization of the vision.
?? The VALUES that are the company's conscience and provide the glue that holds the group's elements together.
?? The SLOGANS AND SIGNATURES , which are outside the brand, which identify the members of the group
?? The BRAND that identifies the group's offers and services
In many companies, these principles are just filled in, with no real impact on the way things are done, or on the organization of the group's performance management.
Corporate values are like conscience, the soul of the company, in that they are the guiding principles. Values are at the heart of a company's culture, structuring it in addition to its traditions:
Values define internally, within the group, how to create together the conditions for delivering the expected performance of external stakeholders, who are customers, suppliers and to some extent the entire society and shareholders.
These are usually 3 to 6 strong principles that are enunciated, starting from the inside, stating rules that will be reflected and extended towards the outside.
External stakeholders will see the company's values as lived experience:
??? A citizen company with values they recognize
??? A brand that says what it advertises or claims to say
??? A responsible company that shows through the behavior of its employees, a behavioral consistency that corresponds to their expectations.
Values foster commitment, talents retention, motivation and even loyalty among customers and partners, and above all improve the brand's external image.
Values are not just a list of precepts, they are the breath of life, and as with living people, they are the traits of behavior visible to others.
We need to define a set of values that are in line with the group's vision, because they essentially contribute to the realization of this vision.
The definition of values is an internal activity, and even if we are accompanied in their definition, it is important that this comes from within the company, and even if the definition can be better structured by the accompanying entity.
Values are therefore defined internally to ensure that, beyond the constraints of the employment contract, all group members work together to produce the expected added value in conditions that enhance each other's self-esteem and make them proud to belong to the group. They stimulate performance by creating healthy internal emulation and a collective desire to do better for the Group's reputation.
Values are also important for truly integrating new people into the group, but they can also lead to the self-exclusion of those who do not feel in phase with the values displayed and lived by the group.
As we've said in other posts, without values, a group is just a disparate bunch of people with no assurance of coherence and collective results : A body without a spirit is just a moving part with no objective or vision. An individual without culture.
You can validate the values of your company or group:
?In relation to your group's vision
?In relation to the way you operate and manage performance
?In relation to people's perception of your group
Attachment to a group or a company comes from being in phase with its vision and the values put in place and lived to achieve the vision.