The Basics of sending an e-mail! Yes!! That's important too!!
Dr. Khushbu Bhardwaj .
Soft Skills Trainer I Personality Coach | serving students, corporates and women across all platforms | Counsellor
Your E-mail is your reputation!! How you send it matters!! and which is why one must be way too cautious before hitting the "send" button.
Here's how you do it!!
At the onset of it!! Please remember no matter whosoever is the receiver, e-mail is a formal way of communication, following are therefore are to be taken care of.
- The right subject!! because this is what is highlighted the most. A poor subject line, no subject line, PFA in subject and or, Fwd: so and so... is a big NO.
- Salutation!! because Hi, Hello, Dear Ma'am/sir, Mr. so and so is very important.
- No matter how much it is evident and or, implied, please mention a little detail of what you are sending, "please find attached/as discussed, as required, please find the files attached/let me know fr further requirements/details". Little detail, but very important.
- Where goes your "Thanks and regards"? or Regards?? please do not take the receiver for granted. Signature must include your Full Name, Title and Organizational details.
Above mentioned are those rules which needs to be remembered even when you are super busy or even in your deep sleep, no matter whom are you sending the mail, no matter what is the conversation.
Going forward are some other rules, might not be way too important but certainly create the best impression when followed.
- E-mail is not at all a medium to discuss private and confidential issues.
- Please give your brief introduction, do not assume the receiver of the mail knows who you are.
- Respond within a stipulated time frame, make it 24-48 hours, or less may be, or asap.
- Save your files with relevant names before you attach them.
- "Reply all" isn't really needed, like all the time, unless the chain really needs to know the entire thing.
Another important tool is to know when to mark the recipient in "To", "CC" or "BCC".
- "To" Mark people who are primary recipients.
- "CC" Just Inform
- "BCC" when you do not want to disclose other BCC recipients.
Don't beat around the bush! Be to the point!! Straightforward!! tell what you need!
Emojis in e-mail are a strict NO
Forwarding e-mails
- When e-mails are being forwarded: Check this out/please have a look/FYI FW: so and so...
- When you start a new thread, sending to a new recipient "edit the subject line! remove FW:".
and the list is endless, keep learning! keep asking!