Basics of Scrum: History, Values, and Principles.
Scrum is one of the most popular ways to manage projects in the IT industry. It is based on certain rules that help the team be flexible, communicative and collaborate during development.
Scrum has 5 values that form the basis of team work:
Scrum also has 12 principles that describe rules and approaches to development:
How to Work in Scrum
In Scrum, we work step by step, starting with the product backlog, where all the tasks and their priorities are listed. A sprint is a short period of team work that can last from one to four weeks. It's important to choose the right sprint duration, and usually it's one week. But of course, it all depends on the project we're working on and the tasks we need to solve.
At sprint planning, the team selects tasks from the product backlog that will be completed during the next sprint.
Every day at the Daily Scrum, the team discusses the current status of the project and progress.
At the sprint review, the team demonstrates the results of their work and receives feedback from the customer and other stakeholders.
And at the sprint retrospective, the team discusses what was good and what could be improved in the work, and determines what steps need to be taken to improve the process.
Why Scrum is Better
Scrum is the best choice if we want the project to go smoothly. It offers us many advantages over traditional development methods.
Scrum is a cool thing in development that helps the team work better and faster. It defines roles in the team, such as the Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Team.
The Scrum Master is not a boss, but ensures that the Scrum process works as it should. The Product Owner is responsible for ensuring that the team works on the right tasks and that the product meets customer requirements. The Team is just a group of awesome people who work together to get the job done as cool as possible.
Scrum also includes several events during each sprint.
For example:
And the coolest thing is that Scrum is not just for IT professionals! It can be used anywhere - in marketing, business, education, and even in personal life. With Scrum, communication can be improved, development time can be reduced, and product quality can be improved. That's why many companies and organizations use this methodology.
In general, Scrum is a great tool that helps to work more efficiently.
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