Basics of safety during industrial radiography.
Basics of Industrial radiography safety:
The safety equipment usually consists four basic items: 1. radiation survey meter (such as a Geiger/Mueller counter)2. alarming dosimeter or rate meter 3. gas-charged dosimeter, and 4. film badge or thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD). The easiest way to remember what each of these items does is to compare them to gauges on an automobile.
The survey meter can be compared to the speedometer(of vehicle), as it measures the speed, or rate, at which radiation is being picked up. When properly calibrated, used, and maintained, with this radiographer can see the current exposure to radiation at the meter. It can be set for different intensities, and is used to prevent the radiographer from being overexposed to the radioactive source, as well as for verifying the boundary that radiographers are required to maintain around the exposed source during radiographic operations.