Basics of marketing and its main components

Basics of marketing and its main components

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MARKETING??is about anticipating and satisfying consumers needs by means of mutually beneficial exchange processes and doing so profitably and more effectively than competitors by means of efficient managerial process.

The main components of marketing are:

??Strategies and tactics - Strategies are best explained as the direction the marketing effort will take over some period of time, while tactics are actionable steps?? or decisions made?? in order to follow the strategies established. For instance, if a strategies is to enter a new market, the tactics may involve the marketing decisions made to carry this out. Performing strategies?? and tactical planning activities??? in advance of taking action is considered critical for long-term marketing success.

??Identify - Arguably the most important marketing function involve efforts needed to gain knowledge of customers??, competitors??, and ??markets??.

??Create - Competition forces a market to be a creative people??♀?. When marketers begin new ventures, such as building a new company, it is often based around something that is new(e.g. new product, new way to distribute a product, new advertising approach, etc. ). But once the new venture is launched, innovation does not end. Competitive pressure?? is continually felt by the marketer, who must respond by devising new strategies and tactics that helps the organization remain successful.

??Maintain - Today's marketers work hard to insure their customer's return to purchase from them again. Long gone are the day when success for the marketers was measured simply in how many sales they made in each day. Now, in most marketing situations, marketing success is evaluated not only in terms of sales figure but also how long a marketer retains a good customers?????. Consequently, marketers efforts to attract customer do not end when a customer makes a purchase. It continues in various ways for, hopefully, a long time after the initial purchase.

Let me know, if I missed any point??



