HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the standard language used to create web pages and structure their content on the internet. It consists of elements represented by tags, which define the structure, layout, and formatting of the web page. These tags enclose various types of content, such as text, images, links, forms, and more. Would you like assistance with specific aspects or elements of HTMl. In html there is many tags and most used tags are heading tags and paragraph tags and image tags anchor tags and inside href specification like wise many things are there.HTML 1.0: The initial version of HTML, introduced in 1991.
Released in 1995, a simple version with form elements and basic text formatting.Introduced in 1997, it added more features like tables and applets.Released in 1999, it brought improved features like stylesheets and scripting.
(Extensible HTML): XHTML 1.0 and were reformulations of HTML 4.01 using XML. The latest major version, finalized in 2014, offering enhanced multimedia support, new structural elements, form controls, and APIs.