The basics - Facets for Admins and Knowledge Managers
Made by the Easy Diffusion AI

The basics - Facets for Admins and Knowledge Managers

This is mainly for Admins, Business Admins or Knowledge Admins. You need to have the appropriate privileges for this.

Facets - Made by the Easy Diffusion AI

Facets are filters that allow users to see a subset of material that is important for their work.

The sidebar can be enabled or disabled by the administrator while end users can select which side it will display on, and whether or not to display it at all. By default the sidebar shows a number of default Facet panels (e.g., application, content type, document type, owner, etc.).

Facets on a sidebar

A facets sidebar

Sidebar Configuration

Sidebar Configuration - Made by the Easy Diffusion AI

Navigate to the Administration pages > Server Configuration > Configure Presentation > Configure Sidebar page to configure the Sidebar.

Individual users can configure the Sidebar location and whether or not to Show the Side Bar in Browse View.

Navigate to the Global Menu Bar > My Account > Settings > General tab to configure the Sidebar Location and Show Sidebar in Browse settings-

By default, the settings are to display on the left side and are enabled to show in Browse.

Where is the facets volume?

The Facets Volume - Made by the Easy Diffusion AI

You can navigate to the Facet Volume on two diffenet methods.

The first method is to use the Global Menu Bar. From the Global Menu Bar, select the Enterprise menu and then choose Facets Volume:

Navigate directly

The second method is to use the Administration pages.

From the Administration pages > Server Configuration > Configure Facets

The Configure Facets page is displayed and it provides a View Facet Volume link.

The Facets volume

The facet Volume

The Facets Control Panel - How to get it?

The Facets Control Panel

Whats to do here?

Whats to do here - Made by the Easy Diffusion AI

Admin vs. Knowledge Manager

Content Server has a Knowledge Manager usage privilege which adds the Facets Volume to a user’s Enterprise menu.

Salvation to the Admin: This allows responsibilities to be distributed rather than having the Admin user configuring everything.

The Administrator must still:

  • Enable Content Filter and Columns
  • Configure Sidebar and column display
  • Configure Facets, Columns
  • Assign Knowledge Manager Privilege

Enabling Facet Administration for non-admin users

Enabling Facet Administration for non-admin users - Made by the Easy Diffusion AI

There are four steps:

1. The administrator creates a “Facet Creation” group.

2. The Knowledge Manager Usage Privilege is given to the group.

3. Additional Item Creation Privileges are given to the group (e.g. privilege to create Facet, Facet Tree etc.).

4. Facet Creation group is given appropriate “Add Item” permissions in Facets Volume. Privileges are set from the Administration page >Feature Configuration> Object Privileges page for individual Facet elements like Facets or Columns or by using the Knowledge Manager privilege

The facets privileges

Press + and this warning appears

Here, you can add the group members.. Refer tro my Article on how to do this.

Configure Document Classes

Document Classes - Made by the Easy Diffusion AI

Content Server ships with a number of pre-configured Facets. Many of these are based on object types. Because the object type of ‘document’ is so general, and there are so many MIME Types, the concept of Alias is employed to group together common types.

A Document Class of Application contains several MIMEType Aliases which are connected to MIME Types

MIMETypes > Alias Definitions > Document Class
(Application/pdf > Adobe PDF > Application)
MIMETypes > Aliases > Alias Definitions > Document Class
(Application/msword > Application: MS Word > Word Processor >


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