Basics of Economy one should know
Narasimha Mohan Saragadam
Product Manager II Business Strategist II Startup Founder II Thought Leader II Thought Provoking Writer II Business Presentation Specialist II Digital Marketing Specialist II Comic Writer
I would attempt to put together my views about the basics of economy. Everyone across the globe are worrying about the economy in the pandemic covid19 period including me. The outcome of it could be recession. Yes, the situation is evidencing the recession. Few countries, long time ago printed more currency and distributed to the citizens of the country.
The result is currency lost its value and huge inflation. What is the solution? Can we solve the problem permanently? If not, what could be the temporary solution? Before discussing about the solution lets discuss about problem.
Recession vs Economy:
A country has 100 citizens and assume government got printed 1000 bucks to distribute. The challenge for any government is how quickly rotate the money effectively in the system.