The Basics of Creativity

The Basics of Creativity

Einstein said, “There is nothing more dangerous than an idea if it is the only one you have.” Acting upon our only option leaves us vulnerable to missing one or more better alternatives for a given situation. Why go through life as if there is always just one item on the menu? When we have a multitude of ideas from which to choose, the likelihood is much greater we will find the better solution.

There is a distinct difference between artistic creativity--the kind of originality possessed by artists, writers, musicians--and practical creativity, which is possessed by everyone. Practical creativity is nothing more than the ability to generate alternatives, or choices. Relatively few people possess a highly developed artistic creativity, but everyone has the ability to use their mind to generate useful options. This is practical creativity, and like riding a bike or learning to write, it is a skill that can be developed in any person. A few principles...

Everyone is creative. God is amazingly creative. After all, He created an entire universe and everything in it. We, in a small way, are a reflection of His creativity. It's also true that some of the characteristics of God are also characteristics that we share. Humor, emotion, strength, creativity--all of these traits are given to us by God as our Creator. The ability to deal with problems, issues and challenges resourcefully is an ability that every person has. If you think only a few gifted artisans possess creativity, think again. You are creative. Really.

There is a distinct difference between artistic creativity--the kind of originality possessed by artists, writers, musicians--and practical creativity, which is possessed by everyone. Practical creativity is nothing more than the ability to generate alternatives.

Creativity can be developed as a skill.  Practical creativity is a set of skills that can be developed in any person. The ability to generate and contribute ideas, work collaboratively, make connections of ideas to in turn create even more ideas--all of these characteristics can be grown over time with an understanding of the processes behind them. 

If you don't speak German, but are transferred to Germany, saturating yourself in the culture for a few months will result in picking up a little German. Even if you don't pick up languages easily, being surrounded by Germans you will no doubt begin to learn some of their common words and phrases. After a year or two you may even speak German well, even fluently. Being immersed in an environment where a foreign language is necessary forces you to develop your skills in that area. 

Creativity is the same way. When you immerse yourself in tasks and activities that require creativity, your skills in that area will naturally begin to grow. You'll pick up on tips and techniques to get creative input, make connections and generate ideas. After a while the creative skills will become more natural and readily applied in your daily life and work. 

Creativity atrophies when it is not used regularly. The reason many people will say, "I am not creative" is that they are seldom in a work environment where creativity is necessary--or they do not classify the way they problem-solve on a daily basis as creative. An American Educational Association study revealed that 80% of children under age 10 consider themselves to be "creative." By age 25, only 4% of adults consider themselves creative. Perhaps we don't finger paint or play on playgrounds enough. Adults who do not engage in imaginative activities usually fail to develop their creative skill to full potential. 

Creativity requires time and effort. While some people are naturally gifted with the ability to connect thoughts and ideas more readily than others, all creativity requires time--there are no shortcuts to great solutions. Doing something in a collaborative and creative environment will take more time, not less. Time is required to gather information, brainstorm, incubate ideas, make decisions, test hypotheses and implement the plan. 

Creativity requires input. The creative mind is not a magic fountain from which ideas flow out of nothing. It's more like a food processor. You take a bunch of raw ingredients at one end, swish it around in your head, and an interesting mix comes out the other. Creativity requires a constant stream of raw input. Reading books, listening to music, watching the news, going to movies, enjoying nature, seeing a theatrical production, trying a new recreational activity, attending a party or social with friends, flipping through a magazine, taking pictures--all of these activities are sources of creative input. 

Creativity is a means to an end. The simple act of creativity--generating alternatives, so of which are new or never tried--is not an end goal in ministry. Rather, creativity is a tool, or means by which we can be more effective and efficient. Creativity is leading us to something. It may be a solution to a problem, or a theme for a service, or a plan for an event. While creativity is a useful tool, making something "original" or "new" for the sake of it being different does not always present the best solution. Nor is it always God's desire for us. His desire is that we use what is available to us--including creativity--for His glory and to grow His kingdom.


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