The basics of ATSC 3.0 and why you care
Chris Quilisch-Rock
Luxury Class Home Automation, Cinema Grade Video, & Audiophile Sound
Industry experts predict double digit growth in Smart TV Antennas. Much of the rationale for this forecast is the ratification of American Television Standards Committee Version or ATSC v3.0.
Here’s what you need to know about ATSC 3.0:
1.) Robust reception (indoor and outdoor antennas)
2.) Broadcasting and Broadband working together seamlessly
3.) More Channels to Gain More Viewers.
4.) Cable and Satellite TV bills are expensive and “Cord Cutting” is trending in this decade.
We are currently using ATSC 1.0 and it’s a technology that was invented way back in 1995 and ultimately didn’t become law until 2007. That’s prehistoric in the tech world. (The opposite of progress is congress.)
ATSC 3.0 will become reality very soon. Here are the basics:
Television broadcasters are leading the way with the new system that will merge the capabilities of OTA broadcasting with content originating on the internet.
Broadcasters are evolving to meet the needs of today’s viewers and advertisers. They want to make you happy and get paid by advertisers at the same time.
This next generation broadcast platform merges the best capabilities of over the air and broadband feeling. The result will be a convergence of the most popular method of watching live events with the variety of programming available online.
Next generation transmission system that can deliver 4K Ultra HD images with high dynamic range plus interactive features and multichannel immersive audio.
ATSC 3.0 is the world’s first broadcast standard built on an internet protocol backbone. This offers the advantage of both broadcast and broadband, designed to mix seamlessly with content that originated on the internet
ATSC 3.0 will present viewers with more streams, more choices, more channels and more flexibility.
Adaptable for single frequency network transmission systems that can overcome the physical challenges to deliver TV buried deep inside buildings and on the go. The result is better indoor reception and wide coverage for mobile devices including autonomous vehicles.
I expect that after the spectrum auction and the implementation of ATSC 3.0 many people will begin to realize how great this is for them.