Basic Sanitation Responsibilities of the F&B team-Part 2 CDC and USPHS.

Food safety management.

Bacteria or disease causing microorganisms grow best at warm temperatures. Temperatures between 41F and 140F promote the growth of disease causing bacteria. This temperature range is called Danger Zone.

The best way to prevent the growth of these microorganisms is to control the temperature of the food and keep the Cold Food below 41F and Hot Food above 140F.

Potential hazardous Foods (PHF): The foods derived from animal or any food containing animal products (raw or heat treated) like meat, fish, poultry and dairy products. It also includes foods derived from plant and is heat treated like cooked vegetables, rice or raw seed sprouts like melons. These foods if not kept at the right temperature can cause severe food borne illness which may lead to death as well.

Non Potential Hazardous Foods are dried and dehydrated foods, strongly acidic foods (pH value between 4.6 and 7) and the processed foods that are in the original sealed containers.

PH: It means negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration, it is a measure of degree of acidity or basicity of a solution. Values between 0 and 7 indicate acidity and between 7 and 14 indicate alkalinity (basicity).The value for pure distilled water is 7 which are considered neutral.

Food Safety Duties:

To prevent the contamination of the food the person in charge of food operations on the vessel shall ensure that:

1.     Food operations are not conducted in a room used as sleeping or living quarters.

2.     Persons unnecessary to the food operation are not allowed in food preparation, food storage and ware washing areas.

3.     Food employees are effectively cleaning their hands following the correct hand washing technique which is cleaning their hands and exposed portion of their arms with the hand soap (at the hand wash sink) by vigorously rubbing together the surfaces of their hands and arms for at least 20 sacs and thoroughly rinsing with clean hot water (110F) and then drying the hand using disposable hand towel from the dispenser. They have to pay extra attention to areas underneath fingernails and between the fingers.

Food employees need to clean their hands:

A.     Immediately before engaging in food preparation.

B.     After touching bare human body parts.

C.     After using the toilet rooms.

D.    After coughing, sneezing, using tobacco, eating or drinking.

E.      After handling soiled equipment or utensils.

F.      During food preparation as often as necessary.

G.    When switching between working with raw food and working with ready to eat food(to prevent cross contamination)

4. Food is checked upon receiving to determine they are from approved source, delivered at the required temperature, protected form contamination.

5.     Employees are properly cooking Potential hazardous foods to the required temperature.

6.     Employees are using proper methods to rapidly cool potentially hazardous foods.

7.     Consumers who order raw or partially cooked ready to eat foods of animal origin are informed that the food is not cooked sufficiently to ensure its safety. Consumer advisory has to be provided in the menus, placards, brochures, Daily Programs as well as the in House and public Televisions. etc to inform them about the risk of eating raw or under cooked food of animal origin.

8.     Employees need to properly sanitize and clean equipment and utensils before they are reused following the correct sanitation procedures.

9.     Consumers are notified that clean tableware is to be used when they return to self service areas such as salad bars and buffets.

10. Employees are preventing cross contamination of ready to eat food with bare hands by properly using suitable utensils like spatulas, tongs, single use gloves etc. Seperate service utensil to be available for each dish to prevent cross contamination.

Employee Health:

§ Food employees suspected of or exposed to any communicable disease caused by bacteria like Salmonella. Ecoli etc shall be restricted to work in food preparation, food storage and ware washing areas.

§ Food employees who have condition or symptoms of boils, open sores, infected wounds, diarrhea, jaundice, fever, vomiting etc. shall be restricted form working in food areas.

§ Food employees experiencing persistent sneezing, coughing, or runny nose that causes discharge from eyes, nose and mouth may not work in food areas.

§ Fingernails to be kept trimmed and clean.

§ Jewelry-while preparing food ,food employees may not wear jewelry on their arms and hands(not even watches),only plain wedding band may be allowed.

§ Outer clothing has to be clean to prevent contamination of food and equipment.

§ Eating ,drinking and using tobacco shall only be in designated areas where the contamination of food and equipment may not result.

§ Hair restraints such as hats, hair coverings or nets to be worn by food employees to prevent the their hair from contacting exposed food or equipment. This does not apply to bar or wait staff but they still need to keep their hair tidy and neat.

Food receiving condition:

Receiving temperatures shall be as follows:

1.     Refrigerated, potentially hazardous food shall be at a temperature of 45F or below when received.

2.     Potentially hazardous food that is cooked and received hot shall be at a temperature of 140F or above.

3.     A food that is labeled frozen and shipped frozen shall be received frozen.

4.     Dairy products shall be obtained pasteurized(heat treated to 165F for 15secs and cooled rapidly)

5.     Packed food to be obtained in good condition. Canned food with dents on end or side seams may not be used.

6.     Ice if used as a food or cooling medium shall be made from drinking water.

Food storage and protection:

Food shall be protected from contamination by storing the food:

1.     1.In a clean, dry location.

2.     2.Where it is not exposed to splash, dust or other contamination.

3.     3.At least 6inches above the deck.

4.     Food shall not be stored in locker rooms, toilets, dressing rooms, garbage rooms, mechanical rooms, under sewer lines, under leaking water lines and under ice blocks and flowers.

Food display and Service:

1.     Food on display shall be protected from contamination by use of Food guards.

2.     Food after being served and in the possession of a consumer, if unused may not be offered to to others.

Cooking Temperatures and Times:

1.  Potentially hazardous foods shall be cooked to heat all parts of the food to a temperature and for a time that complies with one of the following methods based on the food that is being cooked:

2.     Fish, meat, pork and raw shell eggs(broken and used for immediate service)- 145F or above for 15 seconds.

Food Cooling:

Cooked Potentially hazardous food shall be cooled:

1.Within 2 hours from 140F to 70F.

2.Within 4 hours from 70F to 41F or less.

Cooling shall be accomplished using one or more of the following methods:

1.Food to be placed in shallow containers, in small portions and using blast chillers and freezers for rapid cooling..

2.Containers used for cooling should be ones which provide maximum heat transfers.

Food Holding Temperatures and Times:

Potentially hazardous foods to be held :

Hot food- 140F or above

Cold food-41F or less

Refrigerated, ready to eat, potentially hazardous food

1.Prepared on the vessel and held refrigerated should be consumed within 7 days or less including the day of preparation and should be marked with the date by which the food will be consumed.

2.Packed food held refrigerated should be consumed within 7 days or less after the pack is opened and should be marked with the date by which it will be consumed including the day of opening the pack.

3.Can be held in short term holding refrigerators at 45F up to 24 hours provided the refrigerators are marked Day storage refrigerators. All potentially hazardous foods placed in these refrigerators must be labeled with a date and time by which the food shall be used or discarded

Other than Temperature, time can be used as a public health control provided written procedures that are in compliance with the guidelines of Operations manual are maintained on the vessel.

The food on time control shall be marked with the time that is 4 hours past the point in time when the food is removed form temperature control. Food to be discarded before the time indicated on the container.

HACCP(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point):

Hazard is physical, chemical or biological property which could lead to unacceptable health risk

HACCP-Food safety system designed to keep food safe through its preparation, display and service in an establishment,

that is the length of time food can be kept out of temperature(maximum 4 hours) before it reaches critical control point.

Critical Control point(CCP):

Last step where you can intervene to prevent the growth of bacteria and bring it to safe level before being served to the consumer.


Safe Food Habits

The spread of food borne illness can be minimized by following the standard sanitation procedures and good practice of personal hygiene.

The most common cause of food borne illness is the food handler.

Food can also be contaminated in the following ways

a)     Germs transmitted to foods by a person that is sick, or has an open wound.

b)    Improper refrigeration and storage of food.

c)    Allowing food to remain in the Danger Zone(40oF – 140oF) for extended periods of time.

d)    Cross - contamination of raw and ready -to-eat foods.

For example, handling raw foods, and cooked foods with the same gloves; or using a knife to cut raw and then cooked food without sanitizing it between uses; using same spatulas for Burgers and Chicken breast on the grill.

Always Practice Good Personal Hygiene and Company's procedures

1.           Wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet or handling dirty plates, glasses, utensils, trays, garbage or any part of your body. Your hands should be washed for a minimum of twenty seconds with hot water and soap.

2.           Keep wounds covered, and protected from the food. Report to your supervisor any cases of diarrhea, flu, or any other medical conditions.

3.           Proper grooming standards to be maintained.

4.           Uniforms to be clean.

5.           Gloves –Always wear plastic gloves while handling food or clean silverware. hey should be changed after leaving serving area.DO NOT KEEP GLOVES IN YOUR POCKET

6.           To shower regularly - at least twice a day.

7.           Nails to be trimmed, and to be clean shaven at all times. ( Male only )

8.           Always use three bucket system to clean your work area.*

9.           A clean side for clean items and food, a soiled side for soiled items and garbage. At no time should you mix clean and soiled together.

11. No milk or milk products is allowed to sit in the pantry at room temperature. When milk is requested by the guests, it should be served immediately.

12. Always use clean tray to carry food (even one plate or glasses). Do not store trays on the floor.

1.     16.   Personal belongings should not be brought to the Service location.

2.     18.   Smoking, drinking and eating is forbidden in the Service location.

3.     19.   Chemicals must be clearly labeled and stored in the chemical locker.

4.     20.   No unauthorized personnel are allowed to enter the dish wash, appetizer, pastry and center galley pantries. Any assistance needed to be done through the galley staff.

5.     21.   Report any cases of diarrhea, open sores, flu or any medical illness to your supervisor.

6.     22.   Clean and soiled linen must be stored in proper assigned area.

7.     23.   Mops, brooms and brushes must be stored upside down in the cleaning locker

Transporting of Food & Ice

Food and Ice Cubes to be covered at all times during transportation

Hand Wash sinks to be used for washing hands only

Garbage Bins near hand sinks are for Hand Washing paper only.


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