A basic procedure for grinding Applying Rollers
Place roller in the lathe/cylindrical grinder, check centricity, adjust and check again, recommended centricity 0,02 mm.
Set following grinding parameters:
Roller revolutions 40-60 rpm
Feed (Traversing speed) 0,25 - 0,49 times width of grinding stone per roller revolution
Periphery speed of grinding stone 33-35 m/s
· First rough grinding. 0,1mm. in-depth and two passes.
· Clean the stone with a rubber cleaning rod.
· Second grinding. 0,05mm. in depth. One pass. Use a chalk block after the grinding wheel.
· With no changing in depth, grind three times using the chalk block.
· Clean the roller surface with a smooth brush, and then alcohol.
· Repeat this procedure till the surface is free from scratches, impressions etc.
· With no changing in depth, grind two passes, using chalk block both ways
· Clean the roller surface with a smooth brush, and then alcohol.
· Move the roller for hand polishing in a lathe.
If you still have some questions, please contact us!