Basic Principles of Right-Sizing Grant Applications
In the last article we explored some of the operating frameworks behind philanthropists and we saw that one size does not fit all. This is worth repeating:
One size does not fit all philanthropists. One size does not fit all grant amounts. One size does not fit all grant types.
Rarely does one size really fit anyone, anywhere - not in clothing, not in parenting, not in life.
How do Philanthropists Decide how much to Give?
In the last article we explored the idea that grant makers are tasked with stewarding their own resources. Almost all grant makers have a budget! Many have a set pool of funds to divvy out by calendar year:
The point is, money is not limitless! As stewards of money, givers vet their giving prospects, collecting information needed to help them choose the right donation, for their priorities, for the right amount of money.
Right-Sizing Philanthropy Based on Contributor Type
This is part of a larger conversation touching on giving scale, timeframe, and expertise (more on this another day!) but identifying what type of philanthropist you are is a good starting point.
Key Principles to Keep in Mind
When requesting information ask yourself the following questions:
“How will I use this information, and do I really need it?”
“Are there other ways of collecting the information beyond the request?”
“How likely is it that the grant seeker will get a grant?”
“What is the size of the possible grant, and how much time will it take to complete the request?”
Time is Money
The goal of givers is to support people doing good work on the ground. The goal is to build stronger, more resilient organizations equipped and ready to carry out their work that we cannot do. Amazing programs do not happen without people and money behind them. Wise philanthropy looks for a way to come alongside organizations, being a blessing rather than a burden.
Due diligence is not the enemy of giving. Due diligence is stewardship. But time is money, and every grant request represents an investment of time of staff. Carefully crafted proposal represent hours of writing, revision, and submission into required formats. Staff time spent on proposals can present a learning experience, but it should not become so burdensome that it detracts from the work and the mission!
Take some time and ask yourself, how am I sizing my due diligence?
In the next article, we will explore some specific strategies for creating tiered applications within an organization.
Next time you are tempted to think, “one size fits all” just remember all of the times in the rest of life when that wasn’t true!
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