Basic Operations on AWS Cloud using AWS CLI

Basic Operations on AWS Cloud using AWS CLI

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts.

So here,our requirement is as follows:-

1-Creation of key pair using AWS CLI

2-Creation of security group using AWS CLI

3-Lauching of instance using above created key pair and security group using AWS CLI

4-Creation of EBS Volume of 1 GB using AWS CLI

5-Also,attaching this EBS volume created above to the instance launched using AWS CLI

For performing this,we first need to download AWS CLI Installer in our system

Use this link for that:-

After downloading this software,setup the path in your system.

After setting up,try typing "aws" in the command prompt

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After that,go to AWS Management Portal and create an IAM Role for this.

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It will generate an access key and a secret key for you which is very crucial,so save it in your system.

Then,we have to configure the aws cli.For this,type the Access key and Secret key when asked.

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How to create Key-pair using CLI??

Command for this is :- aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name "Name of the key"

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This will generate the key for you and will show the access key and secret key on the command prompt.Copy it in a file.

We can also see that this is reflected in Web UI as well.

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How to create Security Group using AWS CLI??

Command for this is:- aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name "Name of the security group" --description "Description of Security Group"

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This will create the security group for you and will show the security group id on the command prompt.

We can also see that this is reflected in Web UI as well.

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This will create a security-group which will be allowing no ingress rule and will be allowing all egress rules.

How to attach ingress rules to the Security Group created??

Command for this is :- aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name "Name of security group" --protocol "Protocol used" --port "Write the port this protocol should be provided"

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Now,it will be reflected in Web UI also.

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How to launch AWS Instance using above created Key-pair, Security Group??

Command for this is:- aws ec2 run-instances --image-id "Image ID" --count "Number of instances" --instances-type "Instance type" --key-name "Name of key" --security-group-ids "Security-Group ID"

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Now,it will be reflected in Web UI also.

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How to create an EBS Volume??

Command for this is:- aws ec2 create-volume --availability-zone "Availability Zone in which you want to launch" --size "Size of Volume"

Since,our instance is launched in "ap-south-1a",we will also launch our EBS Volume in that availability zone only.

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Now,it will be reflected in Web UI also.

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How to attach the above created EBS volume to the above created AWS instance??

Command for this is:- aws ec2 attach-volume --device "Device you want to attach" --instance-id "ID of the Instance,volume to be attached" --volume-id "ID of volume"

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Now,it will be reflected in Web UI also.

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So,this is how we create our whole infrastructure over AWS Cloud using AWS CLI.




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