Basic Linux commands commonly used in DevOps:

Basic Linux commands commonly used in DevOps:

Linux Commands uses in DevOps:

Navigation: cd: Change directory. ls: List files and directories. pwd: Print the current working directory. File Operations: cp: Copy files or directories. mv: Move or rename files or directories. rm: Remove files or directories. touch: Create an empty file. Directory Operations: mkdir: Create a new directory. rmdir: Remove an empty directory. rm -r: Remove a directory and its contents recursively. Text Manipulation: cat: Concatenate and display the content of files. grep: Search for patterns in files. sed: Stream editor for text manipulation. awk: Pattern scanning and processing language. System Information: uname: Display system information. df: Display disk space usage. free: Display amount of free and used memory. Process Management: ps: Display information about active processes. kill: Terminate a process. top: Display dynamic view of system processes. User Management: whoami: Display the current username. passwd: Change user password. sudo: Execute a command with superuser privileges. Package Management: apt (Debian/Ubuntu): Package manager for installing, updating, and removing software. yum (Red Hat/CentOS): Package manager for installing, updating, and removing software. Networking: ifconfig or ip: Display network interface information. ping: Test the reachability of a host. netstat: Display network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships. File Permissions: chmod: Change file permissions. chown: Change file owner and group.

These commands provide a foundation for managing files, processes, users, and system resources in a Linux environment for DevOps tasks.


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