Kalahari Training Institute (KTI)
KTI offers a wide range of BQA-Accredited Workplace Productivity Training courses with free claims support services.
Each year in every country around the world there are serious fire incidents and people will die or seriously injured due to the fire or resulting smoke. A contributing factor will be the inability to find safe passage to exit the building. The best approach to fire safety is to prevent fires in the first place. Proactive fire safety management helps to achieve this. When these incidents occur, protected escape routes that are unobstructed along with established and well-practiced fire safety management and evacuation plans are proven to reduce the likelihood of injuries and their impact. This one-day course will give you the foundation to effectively manage fires in the workplace.
This one-day course will teach participants to:
Course Overview:
You will spend this session getting to know the course objectives and you will also have an opportunity to identify your personal learning objectives.
Definition of Terms:
To begin, participants will define what fire is, what fire safety is and also what are fire safety hazards. Participants will also be taught that in order for your workplace to be truly safe, fire safety must be part of your organisation’s culture and value system.
Employer/Employee Responsibilities and Disadvantages of Fire:
This session will explore the various responsibilities in the workplace that are crucial to developing a comprehensive fire safety program. Further in this session, participants will be taught about the disadvantages of fire in the workplace.
Causes and Classification of Fires:
In this session, participants will introduced to the numerous causes of fire, and the various classifications of fire will be explored.
Botswana Legal Requirements on Fire Safety and the ILO Fire Safety Plan:
Next, participants will be introduced to the legal requirements within Botswana, particularly paying attention to the Factories Act (Chapter 44:01).Additional to the legal requirements, participants will be taken through the ILO (International Labour Organization) Fire Risk Management safety approach.
Fire Extinguishing Methods and Types of Fire Extinguishers:
In the session, participants will be taken through the various fire extinguishing methods, as well as the types of fire extinguishers that may be used. This session, participants will also be involved in a practical fire extinguishing exercise.
Fire Drills:
In the session, participants will be taken through the necessary steps to take when a fire emergency takes place within the premises. The primary goal is to promote a quick, orderly, and safe evacuation of the individuals while avoiding the risk of injuries or casualties.
Fire Safety Plans and Fire Evacuation Procedures:
This session participants will be taken through the importance of an organisation having a Fire Safety Plan, and what guidelines to follow. The Evacuation Procedure and the relevant elements are explored with participants participating in a practical fire evacuation procedure.
Course Wrap-Up:
At the end of the day, participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and fill out a personal action plan.
To sign up for one of our training sessions contact us on 3114858, 72309719, email us on [email protected] or visit our website
#KTI #KalahariTrainingInstitute #Training #FireSafety