Basic Data Visualization in Excel
Charts and graphs elevate your data by providing an easy-to-understand visualization of numeric values.
Highlight the cells that contain the data you want to use in your graph by clicking and dragging your mouse across the cells.
Your cell range will now be highlighted in gray..
Formatting select the chart this activates chart tools on it, change the chart type, insert a picture/text box Adjust labels,moving legends, titles, adding data labels
create graph-worthy data. Excel offers a large library of chart and graph types to help visually present your data.
a. column charts, are best used to compare information or if you have multiple categories
of one variable (for example, multiple products or genres).
b. Pie Charts: Use pie charts to compare percentages of a whole (“whole” is the total of the values in your data).
c. Line Charts: A line chart is most useful for showing trends over time, rather than static data points. more detail explanation on charts will be in next blog.
V lookup: When you use a lookup function in Excel, you are basically saying, “Here’s a value. Go to another location and find the same value. Then show me specific information related to that value.”
A pivot table can quickly summarize and categorize many table records into a single report. Here is a picture of a table having dates .
Above dates are summarize into quarters as per project requirements
Excel can produce high quality charts
To make best Remove Noise From Your Chart's Background. Move The Legend.,Delete Legends With One Data Series. ,Add A Descriptive Title. Sort Your Data Before Charting.,Don't Make People Head Tilt. Clean Up Your Axes. ,Explore Other Themes.