Basic -  Custom Views in the Content Server
made by the Easy Design AI

Basic - Custom Views in the Content Server

Custom Views are quite old and they are some of the basics in the Content Server.

Custom Views may be added to a Content Server folder in the Classic UI from the Add Item menu. If you add a Custom View to a folder, it will insert the contents of that file between the navigation menu and the featured items or list of folder contents.

Custom Views Specifics

made by the Easy Design AI

  • The code in the Custom View can contain JavaScript or other code that can be interpreted by your web browser.
  • It can include links to other areas of your Content Server system, intranet, or the Internet.
  • The Custom View’s content is inserted into a larger HTML file; therefore, your web browser will ignore any tags it cannot understand in that context, such as <TITLE>, <BODY>, or <FRAMESET> tags. This means that there are limits to the type of code you can include – for example, you cannot create frames in a Custom View. The code can include references to images or other files (such as Flash files) that are stored either in Content Server or in a directory on your web server.

Uses of Custom Views

  • State the purpose of the container
  • State what content can be found at this location
  • Provide access to content or functions
  • Provide users with a custom form to invoke a custom search
  • Provide context for current folder and contents

typical custom View

made by the Easy Design AI
a typical custom view

From the customview.html’s Functions menu select Edit to see the source code

the html editor

Here in the html editor, you can change everything. For example

  • Highlight the phrase, Welcome to Human Resources.
  • Click the Source button on the toolbar on the first row, first icon.

the html source

The customview.html file references the image files that are stored in the images folder within the folder where the customview.html resides.

  • Click the Source button to toggle back to view the text.
  • Click the Add Version button. The changes are saved and displayed.
  • Click the name of the images folder. Notice the images used in the customview.html file are listed.

The customview.html and the supporting files, such as the images are usually hidden so users browsing the folder will not become confused in seeing the them.

Use the functions menu (here the configure menuentry) of the customview to configure this.

the configure page

A click on the "Hidden" radiobutton with a subsequent "Update" click will display this files no longer


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