The BASIC Body Language of Men !
When it comes to the body language of men, are you fluent or struggling with basic comprehension?
Women are more attuned to paying attention to body language. Men, on the other hand, aren’t that great at communicating through subtle body actions. So you can see…you’re rather at odds from one another. So the secret to success in becoming fluent in the body language of men is understanding that it is an entirely different language from the one you communicate with your own body.
If a man tilts his head when he meets you, it is very likely that he is attracted to you. There’s warmth in a head tilt..
It can mean he’s curious about you, or that he’s inviting you over to talk. People do it completely subconsciously. We don’t even think about it when we do this. Chances are you do this when you meet guys that you like. Combined with eye contact, it can be one of the really powerful signs a man is attracted to you sexually, so keep an eye out for it.
Even if you’re in a professional situation, like at work, and meet a man, don’t assume there’s no attraction there.
He may not say “damn girl, you hot”. He’s just going to say, “it’s very nice to meet you”. He’s being professional, after all. But there’s a certain level of warmth and intimacy that goes along with tilting his head, so if he does that, know he doesn’t want to keep things strictly professional.
What to Do Back: If he’s tilting his head at you, make sure your own body language indicates interest. Lean in when he talks, and make lots of eye contact.
He Touches His Face
He wants to make sure he looks good for you!
This was one of those signs a man is attracted to you sexually.
So what’s up with a man touching his face? In fact, it’s his way of grooming himself, or to make sure he doesn’t have anything on his face or on his lips. It’s the equivalent of you touching your hair to make sure it looks good on a date.
It also depends what part of his face he’s touching. If he touches his throat, which represents vulnerability and communication, he may be worried about saying the right thing.If he touches or smooths his hair , he’s doing the same thing you do: trying to make sure he looks okay. If he strokes his cheek with the back of his fingers, touches his ears, or rubs his chin, he is totally into you and may be thinking about kissing you or even having sex with you, since these are signs a man is attracted to you sexually.
What to Do Back: Try flashing your wrists! Sounds crazy, but holding your wrists toward him indicates your own sexual interest. Why? Perhaps because way back before Daisy Dukes shorts women were covered head to toe in clothing…except their wrists (and ankles), so it was the only skin they could expose.
Disclaimer :The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice .All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information.
Thank you … The easiest body language of men to interpret is a smile.
Humans smile when they’re interested, when they’re happy, when they’re engaged.
So if he’s constantly smiling when he’s with you, that’s a big SCORE.
He may also try to get you to smile or laugh by cracking jokes. Don’t let your own nervousness get in the way of you smiling back to let him know you dig him too.
What to Do Back: One of the best things that you can do to attractnan amazing man is to smile at him. I call it smocking, smiling while talking. You may need to check in to make sure you’re smiling at him, especially if his blue eyes are dazzling you and making you forget to smile.
He Touches You
Where he touches you communicates different things.
Now I think most women will agree that the easiest way to creep out a woman is when a guy that you’re not attracted to touches you. But if you are attracted to him, chances are if he touches you, you’re going to feel much more connected to him. You’ll purr like a kitten.
If he touches you on the hand or the arm, that may be more cordial, more like he’s into you as a friend only. But if he is touching your shoulder or your lower back, he’s giving you signs that he’s attracted to you sexually, that he’s seeing where this could potentially go.
If a guy is breaking that touch barrier, it’s likely that he’s interested in just a little bit more than being friends. And that’s good news if you’re into this guy!
What to Do Back: If he touches your back, lean into it to communicate that you are receptive to his touch. Reciprocate the touch sometime during the date. Put your flat palms on his upper chest or touch his neck.
He Holds a Hug a Long Time
The longer the hug, the more he’s into you.
You: Hi Raju ... It’s so good to see you.
Him: Wow, you look great.
[You hug.]
[Still hugging…]
You’ve probably had this happen to you. A guy you’re into hugs you…for a looooong time. He doesn’t want to let you go. It means he cares about you.. There’s something going on there. There’s something more there than just a friendship. Friends don’t hold on to hugs for longer than a few seconds. It’s just a quick hug.
But if he’s really holding on, he’s taking that time for your bodies and your energy to connect with one another.
And hey, there’s nothing wrong with a good long hug! Science shows that we get a hit of oxytocin when we hug, which helps us bond with the person we’re hugging. Hugs can even boost the immune system and calm the body
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Virginia Satir, an American psychologist, goes so far as to say we need hugs to survive and thrive “We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.”
So let that guy hug you long and hard!
What to Do Back: Hug back! But realize a hug is not a hug. Don’t hug like a limp fish. Embrace his back firmly and warmly. Maybe snuggle into that space between his shoulder and neck. Let him break away first.