Basic of bash scripting

Here we will cover the basics of bash scripting.


In bash scripts, comments are used to add explanatory notes or disable certain lines of code. Your task is to create a bash script with comments explaining what the script does. for example:-


# First line of the script is the shebang which tells the system how to execute.

Task2: echo

The echo command is used to display messages on the terminal. Your task is to create a bash script that uses echo to print a message of your choice.

Syntax: echo [string]

echo "Scripting is fun with me"

Task3: Variables

Variables in bash are used to store data and can be referenced by their name. Your task is to create a bash script that declares variables and assigns values to them.



Task4: Using variables

Now that we have declared variables, let's use them to perform a simple task. Create a bash script that takes two variables (numbers) as input and prints their sum using those variables.

greeting="$variable1, $variable2"

echo "$greeting Welcome to the world of Bash scripting!"

Task5: using built in variables

Bash provides several built-in variables that hold useful information. This task is to create a bash script that utilizes at least three different built-in variables to display relevant information.

echo "My current bash path - $BASH"

echo "Bash version I am using - $BASH_VERSION"

echo "PID of bash I am running - $$"

echo "My home directory - $HOME"

echo "Where am I currently? - $PWD"

echo "My hostname - $HOSTNAME"

Task6: Wildcard

Wildcards are special characters used to perform pattern matching when working with files. Your task is to create a bash script that utilizes wildcards to list all the files with a specific extension in a directory.

echo "Files with .txt extension in the current directory:"

ls *.txt


basic bash script


#Make sure to provide execution permission with the following command:

#chmod +x

Happy scripting!


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