Preparation (20-30 minutes)
In order to begin translation of a patent, you must understand the story that the patent is trying to tell. Consider following the steps below to get started.
-Read the Background section of the patent and identify the following.
- Key technological problems
- Key methods to solve problems
- Key indicators of success
- Read the Claims
-Try to understand the claims in terms of the background
-Identify and Search for related art
- Search all citations and look for patent families
- Search for other patents by same applicant + claim keywords/IPC/F-term
- Search for other patents by same inventor + claim keywords/IPC/F-term
- Search for other patents in same technology field
- Use key terms from Technical Field + Claims
- Review ISR, IPEP, etc. (if available)
-Review the drawings and tables and identify the key elements/characteristics of the invention
-Take good notes on your findings and update them as you translate
Patents tell a specific story. It is important that you translate your patents in a way that follows the logic of how the patent was drafted.
-Order of Translation
- Field and Background of the Invention
- Claims
- Summary (if repetition of claims)
- Embodiments
- Examples
- Summary (if summary of embodiments)
- Brief Description of Drawings
- Effects of the Invention
- Title and Abstract
- Claims (double check and apply)