#BaseTransceiverStation ( #BTS )
Base Transceiver Station (BTS): The BTS used in a #GSMNetwork comprises the radio transmitter receivers, and their associated antennas that transmit and receive to directly communicate with the mobiles. The BTS is the defining element for each cell. The BTS communicates with the mobiles and the interface between the two is known as the Um interface with its associated protocols.
A BTS is usually composed of:
1. #Transceiver ( #TRX )
Quite widely referred to as the driver receiver (DRX), DRX are either in form of single (sTRU), double(dTRU) or a composite double radio unit (DRU). It basically does transmission and reception of signals. It also does sending and reception of signals to and from higher network entities (like the base station controller in mobile telephony).
2. #PowerAmplifier ( #PA )
Amplifies the signal from DRX for transmission through antenna; may be integrated with DRX.
3. #Combiner
Combines feeds from several DRXs so that they could be sent out through a single antenna. Allows for a reduction in the number of antenna used.
4. #Multiplexer
For separating sending and receiving signals to/from antenna. Does sending and receiving signals through the same antenna ports (cables to antenna).
5. #Antenna
This is the structure that the BTS lies underneath; it can be installed as it is or disguised in some way (Concealed cell sites).
6. #AlarmExtensionSystem
Collects working status alarms of various units in the BTS and extends them to operations and maintenance (O&M) monitoring stations.
7. #ControlFunction
Controls and manages the various units of BTS, including any software. On-the-spot configurations, status changes, software upgrades, etc. are done through the control function.
8. #BasebandReceiverUnit ( #BBxx)
Frequency hopping, signal DSP. In the base band unit, the digital data will be processed and following the GSM standard, this unit creates adata which ready to be feed to RF Unit.
#BodhitreeTechnologiesPvtLtd. can repair any electronic part in BTS, except DG and AC. For any of your requirement for these repaired, please contact SP Singh Director Business Development, Bodhitree Technologies Pvt. Ltd., mobile 9803199600 email: [email protected] web site www.bttechnologies.co.in