That NO man takes the GLORY of the Most High God, He has chosen to use BASE things of the Earth to confound the WISE! Christ Jesus called 12 Apostles who were fishermen, unlearned and untaught. These 12 sat at the FEET of the MASTER, Christ Jesus, and were TRANSFORMED! On the day of PENTECOST, when the SPIRIT of God descended and stayed on them, the GREATEST Speeches, Sermons and Oratories were heard in different LANGUAGES by all and sundry! "Are these all not Galileans?" They echoed! These are BASED persons who could not read nor write; how come they SPEAK with TONGUE of the LEARNED? There was SOMETHING in the INSIDE of them that was working through them, so they became ENIGMAS! This is what the SPIRIT-LIFE is all about! Transformation and perfection above the ORDINARY! Unlearned, uncouth, unkept and untaught men TRANSFORMED into UNCOMMON achievers.
Moses was learned, a man mighty in WORD and DEED before the princes of Pharaoh. An adopted and adored Pharaoh in the making! Circumstances relocated him into the wilderness to practice SHEPHERDING. He encountered God in the form of FLAMING FIRE in the midst of a bush which did not burn nor was consumed. He became curious, "I will turn aside and look!" Then God spoke and drew his attention to the fact that he stands on Holy Ground. After God finished dealing with Moses, the man who was mighty in WORD and DEED, became a man of FEW WORDS and SLOW SPEECH. Moses was transformed into the MEEKEST man on Earth. His ENCOUNTER with FIRE made him carry that FIRE through out his life to becoming the greatest DELIVERER of his people in all times!
We Ministers called by God, are what we are by the GRACE of God. For men and women of God to desire or seek VISIBILITY is pathetic and unimaginable. No man works for God! The CALLED are vessels or tools in the hands of God which He uses for His PURPOSE and PLEASURE. Show me a PROUD and ARROGANT Minister of God and I will tell you he lack UNDERSTANDING of his calling. Show me a Minister of God that TREASURES self-appraisal, self-acknowledgement, self-aggrandizement, self-actualization, self-esteem and self-centeredness and I will certainly affirm they are not CALLED! Men of God who refuse to WALK in the SPIRIT sow to the FLESH - therefore come under the MANIPULATION, INFLUENCE and CONTROL of Satan and Cohorts. These are the men and women of God who treasure MATERIALISM, COVETOUSNESS, EXPLOITATION, VISIBILITY, OVER-AMBITION, COMPARISON, OVER-ESTIMATION of SELF, PRIDE, ARROGANCE, BOAST, ABUSIVE and JUDGMENTAL TONGUE etc. By their FRUIT you shall know them!
No man takes the GLORY of God! So let no man say, "I am ........". We are what we are by GRACE, base things TRANSFORMED into ENIGMAS to confound the wise and MESMERISE the Word. Shalom.