The BASE is important for so many things. The BASE provides a FOUNDATION for what we do. The BASE provides a space to return to when we need to check in, recharge, communicate to others.
With a mission to provide the most useful support for healthcare decision-making and our efforts to exercise the OPTION to work with the Option Grid decision aid approach to achieve "allowing shared decision making to become a reality in the routine practice of healthcare" we are now creating our BASE system to scale production of high-quality patient decision aids. Of course we need to give our system a name - what should we call it?
What are the FUNDAMENTALS we need to provide the most useful support to patients for shared decision making?
- REAL TIME --- the information needs to be always current -- no one wants to BASE critical decisions on outdated information
- EVIDENCE-BASED -- the information needs to be accurate -- really based on what we know, not what we believe ("It's not what we don't know that gets us into trouble. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.")
- ELEMENTARY Language -- make it easy for patients to use and understand
So to use another acronym (we tend to do that when we name a system) we end up with the REBEL BASE.
I guess that fits really well with using the Foundation for Relevant Clinical Knowledge to achieve Just-in-time Evidence Dissemination and Integration.
We can imagine how substantial and impactful this will be (and we can imagine that is more real than fantasy when we consider how substantial and impactful our related efforts have been and continue to be), but we will need a solid BASE.