Bartolotta's Just Gets It!
If I were to tell you that you were going to go to a restaurant and have an experience from the confirmation phone to literally the people who cleared your table, and have one of the best experiences customer service wise, would you believe me? In addition, if I were to tell you, on top of that, there were five buffets and every buffet was simply outstanding, you probably would not believe me, would you?
Bartolotta's Restaurant has been a mainstay in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for many, many years. They continue to grow; and what's amazing, they grow without compromising quality and service. When my wife made the reservation, she had made a number of changes. And the young lady who called her back was nothing but spectacular; she was polite, she used the words "we understand, no problem" with energy and flare throughout the conversation. She was not frustrated by her changes anything she embraced them and dealt with them unbelievably professionally!
During our meal, which again was fantastic, we had a person who cleared tables and served coffees was so attentive not only when clearing our table, but continually getting us coffee and whatever we needed. He was polite, he smiled, and the staff engaged with one another in a very similar fashion. As we left, we were just simply amazed at the service. The quality of the food did not surprise us, as Bartolotta's is second to none in Milwaukee.
But to literally have young people provide such great service, with conviction and energy, was refreshing. The amazing thing is, I'm fairly confident none of these people are on salary and have a 401K, doing the work that they did Sunday on Mother's Day. What it goes to is a culture, and obviously training, and an establishment of clear expectations of the client experience. If every company visited a Bartolotta Restaurant and took note of what they did well and how they could go about transferring this back to their own organizations, the world would be a better place.