The Bare Minimum of Metadata For Any Data
Rusty Conover
Leading Teams That Build Big Things & Fix Problems | Making Distributed Systems Do Backflips for Global Success
My team has loaded trillions of rows of data from hundreds of different data sources. Giving everyone, including the data’s consumers, the ability to answer questions and investigate anomalies in the loaded data is essential for a productive data platform. Here’s how we achieve that:
Identifying Data Problems
It’s essential to understand two common types of problems that can occur with data in a data platform. By helping solve these problems you can have more time to work on actual challenges in your data platform, consider these problems “table stakes”.
1. Unexpected/Unexplained Values
The data operations team could receive questions like,
Why does column XYZ have the value -192743728 on 2024-01-01 at 13:01 European Standard Time?”
Before suspecting bugs in the data processing stack, it’s crucial to start by examining the source data.
To trace such data anomalies effectively, everyone needs to be able to trace the data all the way back to its raw source file, and identify the specific line or record in that file from which the data originated. The data platform needs to have a way to do that.
2. Software Bugs in Loaders
Another type of problem is a bug in a software dependency that manifests as bad data. For instance, there might be a bug in?Apache Arrow’s Parquet implementation causing data to be written incorrectly. In such cases, it becomes essential to determine which data needs to be reloaded and to notify users who consumed invalid data, if access logs are available.
Both of these tasks become straightforward if you know the release/version of the loader software used to load the rows.
Alternatively, there could be a configuration problem. For example, using an outdated?timezone database?when converting local timestamps to UTC timestamps due to a change in daylight savings time for a specific region, such as?Almaty, Kazakhstan. Although rare, such issues could occur. Once again, knowing the exact configuration used when loading the data would simplify resolving such issues.
How can a data platform help solve these problems?
To effectively address these issues, the platform needs to store?metadata, which is essentially data about the data. I’ll explain what data needs to be stored, but first, I believe that the most effective place to store this metadata is right within the row delivered to users. By including the metadata as additional columns in the row, there’s no question about the relationship between the metadata and the row itself—they are inherently linked.
If you’re concerned that this approach will require a significant amount of extra storage space, let me assure you that it won’t. I’ll explain why.
Advantages of Apache Parquet
The data platform I’ve built uses Apache Parquet as the storage format, which offers several advantageous properties.
Firstly, Parquet stores the values for each column together. This means that you only need to read the data from storage for the columns you actually need. If you’re not requesting the metadata columns, you’ll never have to read it from disk when using the dataset.
Secondly, Parquet is incredibly efficient at storing columns with low cardinality.
If a column has a low number of unique values, Parquet can use a?dictionary encoding?for the column.
How does using dictionary encoding help?
In dictionary encoding, for each group of rows (typically, in Parquet, I think row groups should be about 16 to 128mb), the unique values in that group are first stored in a dictionary. Then, for each row, the index of the value in the dictionary is stored. Then all of those indexes are subjected to compression hopefully using the?ZStandard compression algorithm.
For example, if there is just a single unique value, you’ll store that unique value once, followed by a many many 0’s, indicating that each row in the row group has that same value. This means that even if the data is a long string, it’s only stored once. Modern compression algorithms (or even just using?run length encoding) are fantastic at compressing very long arrays of the same value.
A dictionary-encoded column significantly reduces the storage required for values that don’t vary often or at all. This means that if there is metadata shared across all rows in a row group, the overall impact on storage is minimal.
Okay, but what metadata is useful to store?
Below is the list of metadata columns that I’ve determined to be the minimum set of useful columns for any dataset. If you’re building a data platform or ETL tool, you should consider adding these columns as a baseline standard for any “loaded” dataset.
Change Description -?__metadata_change_description
This column contains a human-provided description of the load. It’s useful for tracking whether a human triggered the load for restated data or if there was any other reason the load did not happen in the normal operating pattern of the dataset. Typically when running the loader the caller can add a description of the change.
Data Source Name -?__metadata_data_source_name
If a loader loads data from multiple sources, this column includes the name of the data source. This is just a string column.
Trace ID -?__metadata_execution_trace_id
This column contains information that identifies the initiator of the load (was the job scheduled, initiated from an event or a manual backfill), any compute environment information (e.g., CPU chipset used), and SQL query engine IDs (if loading from Trino/Athena or Spark). Typically, this information is stored as a string with a JSON object structure.
Dataset Configuration Path -?__metadata_loader_command_line
This column stores the command line used to execute the loader, this makes it easy for any human operator to reload the data. Since the command line is difficult to parse easily, many attributes of the command line are stored in other metadata columns that are easier to use/extract/query.
Dataset Configuration Path -?__metadata_loader_config
This column stores the name and version of the dataset configuration used by the loader. Since datasets often comprise multiple tables, it is useful to reference which version of the dataset loaded a particular row.
An example value in this column would [email protected], where?noaa_weather_grib?is the dataset name and?0.1.4?is the semantic version of the dataset. Sometimes this could be a full S3 URI if config is loaded from a S3 bucket, or it could be a?npm://?URI if config is distributed using NPM.
Parameters Passed to the Loader -?__metadata_loader_parameters
This column stores the parameters passed to the loader. These parameters can include information such as date, region, or data source name. This should be a string column with a JSON object encoded so there can be multiple parameters.
An example could be
"date": "2023-01-04",
"region": "CONUS"
Start Time -?__metadata_loader_start_time
This column stores the start time of the loader process, typically in nanoseconds from the Unix epoch. It can be useful for estimating the latency of data loading by subtracting this column from the time when the source data was written (by inspecting the last modified time of the Source URI column).
However, it’s important to note that if the load process takes a long time, this estimate of latency will be inaccurate, as it reflects the start time of the process, not when the data becomes available.
Loader Name And Version -?__metadata_loader_version
This column stores the name and version of the program or script that loaded the data (e.g.,?tick-data-loader-0.1.3). The version should correspond to a release or Git tag of the loader code. This allows defects and bugs in the loader to be detected across loaded data and remediated via a reload utilizing a version of the loader without the software defect.
Output URI -?__metadata_output
This is the URI of the output that is being written by the loader command. Typically this will be a S3 URI to the Parquet file, with possibly the ETag and version ID. By having this metadata columns its easy to detect if there are Parquet files that are too small (causing poor query performance due to a high number of I/O requests).
Pre-Filter Index -?__metadata_pre_filter_index
For each unique Source URI, this column stores an incrementing counter that increases for each line or record loaded. It is incremented before any filtering is applied, allowing users to trace a row back to the source by referring to this particular line number and seeing the source row.
Since this column is likely an incrementing 64-bit integer, it is very useful to store it using the?DELTA_BINARY_PACKED?Parquet encoding rather than dictionary encoding.
Post-Filter Index -?__metadata_post_filter_index
This column is similar to the Pre-Filter Index column, but the line count is only incremented if the row passes any loader-based filtering.
By comparing the maximum value of this column with the Pre-Filter Line Index, it is easy to determine how many rows are being filtered before they are loaded.
This columns is also best stored using a DELTA_BINARY_PACKED encoding type.
Source URI -?__metadata_source
This column stores the source URI for each individual row. If the loader is processing multiple inputs (S3 keys or files), each row needs to include the source URI from where it came.
The content of this column is typically a string that contains a JSON object. For an S3 key, it’s useful to include the full S3 URI, the last modified time, version ID, and overall size.
Additionally, it can be useful to include any HTTP metadata (x-amz-meta- headers) stored with the S3 key in this column as well. This is particularly useful if the writer of the source S3 key adds additional metadata about the ingestion of the S3 key. Of particular value is the last modified time supplied on the source of the data, allowing measurement of the full end-to-end data pipeline latency. However, it’s essential to note that this relies on the source of the data having a reliable last modified time.
Storing Metadata in the Output Filename
It is also useful to store some of the metadata in the output filename itself.
If using S3 the length of the key doesn’t affect access time, the only concern is the maximum length of the S3 key.
The things I prefer to have the in S3 key include: