Barcode Scanning Just Got Reel
Ok, yes I am biased, and yes this will be a product feature, but I just can’t help being excited about this new product of ours. Don’t worry I am not going to bore you with the typical marketing babble you would expect after this introduction. Yet what I will try to capture, share, and account for is my excitement. Because ProGlove has yet again brought out my native enthusiasm for technology.
I certainly understand why people will frown upon me telling them that a barcode scanner is exciting. After all it is technology that kind of feels like it originated in the “Middle Ages”. But the truth of the matter is that it is - and will remain - extremely important in many industries.
Yes, I know you may be thinking that this industry significance does not really make barcode scanning fun. Yet what has been intriguing me in our product approach from day one is the boldness.
Look at it this way: Here is a well established, critical technology that is indispensable in many organizations across the globe. And there is a bunch of engineers who beg to differ, who dare to think outside the box like no one has before. So they looked at matters and came up with an incredibly smart idea. And because their idea is so clever it caught on in no time.
Connecting a barcode scanner to a work glove - you can’t help but wonder: Why did nobody think of that before? Yet the reason is fairly simple: We tend to accept certain things without ever daring to challenge them. It is what it is - how many times have you heard yourself say that? But not our founders. They listened, contemplated and identified a problem that most everybody else did not even consider an issue. You have to pick up your scanner gun and put it back when you are done - that was just a given that seemed to be carved in stone.
However that is an issue, and our founders knew they had a fix for it. So they designed a product that not only addressed and resolved the problem, but is so smart that it is actually fun to play around with it. Care for an example?
I just came back from a business trip with one of our demo kits. So on my way home, I picked up my twelve year old son to spend some quality time with him. Yet before I knew it, I found myself putting a wearable barcode scanner on my son’s hand, and then another one on mine. And then we were chasing each other all over the city of Frankfurt playing a game of “barcode tagging”.
So yes you may think: Yeah, that is just what a corporate spokesperson will say because they have to. However, it is not only me. I have seen people dance around the shopfloor when they used our technology for the first time. And I know at other places workers actually hid our trial kits so they could use them again the next day when they started their shift. The technology just brings out the playfulness in you.
The latest addition to our product portfolio is no exception: a barcode scanner on a reel. The reel deal. It's kind of like playing yoyo, only it triggers a scanner once you pull it out. It really is like magic, something you can’t help but joyfully giggle at and do it over and over again. So just in case you still do not see the fun of it: I dare you in a game of barcode tagging. You get to choose the “weapon”!